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Reflections at the door | Vice-Chancellor's blog


Before the day is over, the United Kingdom will have left the European Union. Whatever views any one of us hold as individuals, this is now a fact that will shape numerous aspects of our lives for years to come.

My unease about Brexit is a matter of public record. Even as a Canadian citizen, on this day I mourn the loss of a sense of belonging to something larger than a single national entity, something underpinned by a spirit of openness and wider possibility. More concretely, I share the concerns of those colleagues, whether students or members of staff, who because of their citizenship may feel disenfranchised or even unwelcome.

I take those concerns to heart, as I do the need to bolster our shared purpose as a University community. In the short term, Britain’s departure from the EU changes some things – but not everything. From tomorrow, we will be entering a period of transition (currently set to last until 31 December 2020) the outcomes of which will be determined by complex negotiations over the following months. During that period, and indeed beyond it, the University will continue to offer its full support to EU staff and students.

EU Settlement scheme

It is important to note that throughout this transition period free movement to the UK will continue, and the rights of EU nationals in the UK will remain the same. In the longer term, applying for the EU Settlement scheme will be the best way to protect those rights. I strongly encourage current EU students and staff who have not already done so to seek advice from our International Student Office (for students) or our HR Immigration Team (for staff).


Some of you will naturally be worried about the funding for current or future research projects dependent on EU grants. The transition period ensures that there will be no change as far as UK participation in the Horizon 2020 framework programme is concerned. Until the end of the transition period, UK institutions remain fully eligible to apply for EU funding. After the end of the transition period, eligibility to apply will depend on the shape of future agreements between the UK and EU. Anyone needing guidance on the status of an EU-funded research project should contact the EU team at the University’s Research Operations Office.

Recent announcements

Amid uncertainty about what lies at the end of the transition period, I have been greatly encouraged by recent policy announcements that indicate that the government has been listening to – and engaging with – the country’s universities. One notable example is the launch of the Global Talent fast-track visa route (a replacement of the Tier 1 “exceptional talent” visa), announced earlier this week. This scheme will, we hope, make it easier for researchers and technicians in all disciplines and at all stages of their careers to work at and contribute to the UK’s research institutions – including the University of Cambridge. It has been reassuring to note the government’s willingness to engage in positive and detailed conversations about the future of British universities and the international talent that fuels them.

Openness in a post-Brexit world

Whatever symbolic value we attribute to this date, my message today is one of hope. Because rather than shirk its commitment to global partnership and friendship at this time, the University of Cambridge is doubling down on its pledge to remain open and collaborative. We will continue to engage with the UK government – vigorously, constructively – to help create the conditions under which our University, and the country as a whole, can thrive. We will continue to push for the UK to remain an associated country in Horizon Europe, and to call for an immigration system that supports student mobility.

We are determined to balance the local and regional aspirations expressed across the country – including the call for widening participation of typically underrepresented groups in higher education – with our need to attract and retain the world’s top talent. Our geography, our history and our mission to contribute to society mean that Cambridge is proudly local, proudly British, proudly European, and proudly global. These remain complementary, not exclusive, identities.

Ensuring our continued research and teaching excellence in the months and years ahead will require a concerted effort from all members of the collegiate community. It will demand that we put aside differences and disappointments to concentrate instead on the opportunities that the new environment may offer. More than ever, it will need us to engage in respectful dialogue and discourse. It will call for large doses of humility and civility.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new phase in the process by which the UK is striving to find its new place in the world. I am hopeful that, by moving together with shared resolve, our collegiate University will have an important role to play in that process.

Professor Stephen J Toope


The end of January is finally upon us, bringing with it a political and economic move that many in this country have hoped for and that many others would have wished to avoid.

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Rainbow flag to fly over University of Cambridge to mark start of LGBT+ History Month


Apart from the University flag, no other flag is normally flown over the building, although the flags of the Sovereign or other Heads of State have been raised when they have visited the Old Schools or the Senate-House.

“LGBT+ History Month provides an opportunity not only to remember the struggles faced by LGBT+ communities around the world, both in the past and the present, but also to celebrate the contribution they have made to society,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen J Toope.

“Our university comprises a diverse range of nationalities, religions and opinions. Many of our members come from countries in which to be openly LGBT+ would result in discrimination, violence, imprisonment or even execution.

“I hope that flying the rainbow flag over the Old Schools will send out a message that we are committed to helping create a society where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is able to reach their full potential.”

Professor Toope is a strong advocate for civil and human rights and has been publicly supportive of the LGBT+ community, speaking on the main stage at last year’s inaugural Cambridge Pride.

In recent years, an overwhelming majority of colleges, as well as University departments and institutions, including the University Library, have shown their support for LGBT+ History Month – and for their LGBT+ members, their friends and families – by flying the rainbow flag as well as hosting a wide range of events. At Trinity College this year, Dame Sally Davis, the College’s first female Master, will raise the rainbow flag to herald the start of the month.

Dr Miriam Lynn, Equality and Diversity Consultant, added: “It’s wonderful to see so much support for LGBT+ History Month across the University and its Colleges. This year’s nationwide theme is Poetry, Prose and Plays. Cambridge LGBT+ alumni have made a huge contribution in these fields, from playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe and writers including EM Forster and Ali Smith through to acting giants such as Sir Ian McKellen and Miriam Margolyes.”

The rainbow flag – the international symbol of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community – will fly over the Old Schools, at the heart of the University of Cambridge, for the first time on Monday to mark LGBT+ History Month.

We are committed to helping create a society where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is able to reach their full potential
Stephen J Toope, Vice-Chancellor
Cambridge - Old Schools (rainbow flag added)
This year’s LGBT+ History Month events include:

LGBT History Month Lecture: 'Sex, Laws and Violations'– Gay rights from the 1960s to the present day 

5.30-6.30pm, 26 February

Faculty of Law, University Of Cambridge

Martin Bowley, QC, was called to the Bar in 1962 and served as a Recorder from 1979 to 1988, when he had to stand down after being outed by the Sun newspaper. Since then he's been a passionate advocate for gay rights and supported the campaign group Stonewall from its earliest days. In the late 1990s, he served on a government committee which led to the reform of the UK's sexual offences legislation. Martin will be in conversation with Paul Seagrove, Communications Manager and former BBC broadcast journalist.

Book here

Diversity cinema

12:30pm – 1:30pm, 13 February

Norwich Auditorium, University Information Services

Celebrating LGBT+ History Month with a selection of films looking at queer trailblazers from the past.

Book here

Rainbow crossings: safe spaces for LGBT+ at home and abroad

4.00-5.30pm, 19 February, Michaelhouse Cafe, Trinity St., Cambridge CB2 1SU

An enduring search for safe spaces has defined the precarious movement of the LGBTQI+ communities and minorities. Organised by Newnham College, this event seeks to discuss safer spaces within Cambridge. The panel and workshop will bring together activists, artists and academics to create a map of safer routes and spaces for LGBTQI+ people in Cambridge.

Details here

LGBTQ+ Engineering Coffee Morning

10:30-11:30am, 24 February, North Room, Department of Engineering Library, Trumpington Street

Join us for a coffee to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. All welcome!

Killing Patient Zero UK Premiere and Q & A

7:30pm – 10pm 28 February 2020

Cripps Court, Magdalene College

The UK premiere of Killing Patient Zero, the new Canadian documentary feature film directed by Laurie Lynd and winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature at Sydney’s Queer Film Fest 2019. The film is based on the award-winning book, Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic, written by Dr Richard A. McKay, a Magdalene College Lecturer and Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. 

Notoriously (and erroneously) known as “patient zero” of the North American AIDS epidemic, Gaétan Dugas has often been portrayed as a psychopath, wilfully infecting other gay men with HIV during the early 1980s. By exploring how Dugas’s infamy came about, this powerful documentary challenges that stereotype and paints a portrait of how gay men and women challenged rampant homophobia during the worst years of the epidemic. 

The event is free to attend.

Book here


Throughout February, CamQueerHistory – a group of Cambridge undergrads, grads and staff – will be running a series of events on topics including: Queer activism and the rise of the right, Queer Clothes: Sartorial Non-Conformity and Gender Expression, Essentialist Epistemology and the Exclusion of Bisexuality from Islamic Theology of Same-Sex Desires and Acts, and Rebel Dyke Histories.

Details here

Bridging Binaries: LGBTQ+ Tours at Cambridge Museums

February – June 2020

From queens, emperors and divine beings, to scientists, artists and global communities, explore the spectrum of identities that exist across time, place and culture in Cambridge collections. How do labels and categories affect the stories we choose to tell, or how we connect with each other? How do they affect our interaction with the natural world, and how we imagine the future?

With tours running across an impressive seven museums, volunteer guides will share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sexual identity through a range of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-related objects.

Details here

For the full line-up of events across Cambridgeshire during LGBT+ History Month, visit the Encompass Network website.

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Sand dunes can ‘communicate’ with each other


Using an experimental dune ‘racetrack’, the researchers observed that two identical dunes start out close together, but over time they get further and further apart. This interaction is controlled by turbulent swirls from the upstream dune, which push the downstream dune away. The results, reported in the journal Physical Review Letters, are key for the study of long-term dune migration, which threatens shipping channels, increases desertification, and can bury infrastructure such as highways.

When a pile of sand is exposed to wind or water flow, it forms a dune shape and starts moving downstream with the flow. Sand dunes, whether in deserts, on river bottoms or sea beds, rarely occur in isolation and instead usually appear in large groups, forming striking patterns known as dune fields or corridors.

It’s well-known that active sand dunes migrate. Generally speaking, the speed of a dune is inverse to its size: smaller dunes move faster and larger dunes move slower. What hasn’t been understood is if and how dunes within a field interact with each other.

“There are different theories on dune interaction: one is that dunes of different sizes will collide, and keep colliding, until they form one giant dune, although this phenomenon has not yet been observed in nature,” said Karol Bacik, a PhD candidate in Cambridge’s Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and the paper’s first author. “Another theory is that dunes might collide and exchange mass - sort of like billiard balls bouncing off one another - until they are the same size and move at the same speed, but we need to validate these theories experimentally.”

Now, Bacik and his Cambridge colleagues have shown results that question these explanations. “We’ve discovered physics that hasn’t been part of the model before,” said Dr Nathalie Vriend, who led the research.

Most of the work in modelling the behaviour of sand dunes is done numerically, but Vriend and the members of her lab designed and constructed a unique experimental facility which enables them to observe their long-term behaviour. Water-filled flumes are common tools for studying the movement of sand dunes in a lab setting, but the dunes can only be observed until they reach the end of the tank. Instead, the Cambridge researchers have built a circular flume so that the dunes can be observed for hours as the flume rotates, while high-speed cameras allow them to track the flow of individual particles in the dunes.

Bacik hadn’t originally meant to study the interaction between two dunes: “Originally, I put multiple dunes in the tank just to speed up data collection, but we didn’t expect to see how they started to interact with each other,” he said.

The two dunes started with the same volume and in the same shape. As the flow began to move across the two dunes, they started moving. “Since we know that the speed of a dune is related to its height, we expected that the two dunes would move at the same speed,” said Vriend, who is based at the BP Institute for Multiphase Flow. “However, this is not what we observed.”

Initially, the front dune moved faster than the back dune, but as the experiment continued, the front dune began to slow down, until the two dunes were moving at almost the same speed.

Crucially, the pattern of flow across the two dunes was observed to be different: the flow is deflected by the front dune, generating ‘swirls’ on the back dune and pushing it away. “The front dune generates the turbulence pattern which we see on the back dune,” said Vriend. “The flow structure behind the front dune is like a wake behind a boat, and affects the properties of the next dune.”

As the experiment continued, the dunes got further and further apart, until they form an equilibrium on opposite sides of the circular flume, remaining 180 degrees apart.

The next step for the research is to find quantitative evidence of large-scale and complex dune migration in deserts, using observations and satellite images. By tracking clusters of dunes over long periods, we can observe whether measures to divert the migration of dunes are effective or not.

Karol A. Bacik et al. ‘Wake-induced long range repulsion of aqueous dunes.’ Physical Review Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.054501

Even though they are inanimate objects, sand dunes can ‘communicate’ with each other, researchers have found. A team from the University of Cambridge has found that as they move, sand dunes interact with and repel their downstream neighbours.

We’ve discovered physics that hasn’t been part of the model before
Nathalie Vriend
Sand dune

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Cuttlefish eat less for lunch when they know there’ll be shrimp for dinner

Cuttlefish. Image by Pauline Billard

When they know that shrimp - their favourite food - will be available in the evening, they eat fewer crabs during the day. This capacity to make decisions based on future expectations reveals complex cognitive abilities. 

“It was surprising to see how quickly the cuttlefish adapted their eating behaviour - in only a few days they learned whether there was likely to be shrimp in the evening or not. This is a very complex behaviour and is only possible because they have a sophisticated brain,” said Pauline Billard, a PhD student in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology and Unicaen, France, and first author of the report.

Cuttlefish foraging behaviour can be described as either selective or opportunistic. Observing the European common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, when the researchers reliably provided one shrimp every evening, the cuttlefish became more selective during the day and ate significantly fewer crabs. But when they were provided with evening shrimp on a random basis, the cuttlefish became opportunistic and ate more crabs during the day. 

Random provision of evening shrimp meant that the cuttlefish could not predict whether their favourite food would be available for dinner each day, so they made sure they had enough to eat earlier in the day. When conditions changed, the cuttlefish changed their foraging strategy to match.

The researchers saw the animals quickly shift from one eating strategy to another based on their experience. By learning and remembering patterns of food availability, the cuttlefish optimise their foraging activity not only to guarantee they eat enough – but also to make sure they eat more of the foods they prefer. The study is published today in the journal Biology Letters.

Cuttlefish eat a wide range of food including crabs, fish and squid, depending on what is available. Despite such a generalised diet, they show strong food preferences. To test this, the researchers tested 29 cuttlefish five times a day, for five days, by putting crab and shrimp at an equal distance from the cuttlefish at the same time and watching what they ate first. All showed a preference for shrimp.

Animals must constantly adapt to changes in their environment in order to survive. Cuttlefish hatch with a large central nervous system, which enables them to learn from a young age. They are capable of remembering things that happened in the past, and using this information to adjust their behaviour in anticipation of the future. 

Cuttlefish are a type of cephalopod. In evolutionary terms, cephalopods and vertebrates diverged around 550 million years ago, yet they are remarkably similar in the organisation of their nervous systems. 

“This flexible foraging strategy shows that cuttlefish can adapt quickly to changes in their environment using previous experience,” said Professor Nicola Clayton in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology, who led the study. “This discovery could provide a valuable insight into the evolutionary origins of such complex cognitive ability.”

This research was funded by ANR (the French National Research Agency).

Billard, P. et al: ‘Cuttlefish show flexible and future-dependent foraging cognition.’ Biology Letters, Feb 2020. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0743


Cuttlefish can rapidly learn from experience and adapt their eating behaviour accordingly, a new study has shown. 

This discovery could provide a valuable insight into the evolutionary origins of a complex cognitive ability
Nicola Clayton

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Women in STEM: Dr Francesca Chadha-Day


I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a physicist. That’s always been my ambition, because it’s the most fundamental thing in the universe, so that’s what I wanted to study. I went through school knowing that I wanted to be a physicist, so I had a lot of drive. I read about quantum physics and bought books by Richard Feynman, which I found really beautiful and inspiring.

I’ve never had a problem seeing a woman as a scientist. I think I’m quite lucky in that my Mum is a biologist, so, while that’s a fairly different subject area, I’ve always seen that you can have a family and a career. My Mum was the main breadwinner when I was growing up and my Dad did most of the childcare, so I think that always made it very clear that you didn’t have to go by traditional gender roles.

My interest in particle physics was cemented when I attended the CERN Summer Student Programme in Geneva. The whole experience was inspirational, and I was lucky enough to be there when the Higgs boson was discovered. That was a really amazing moment. We’d had a theory for decades that predicted this particle existed, and then they managed to build a machine that actually showed, unambiguously, that the theory was correct.

I can only hope that there will be more huge discoveries in my lifetime. I applied to read Natural Sciences for my undergraduate degree, and when I started I wasn’t quite sure what kind of physics I wanted to do. Going to Geneva helped me to decide the path I wanted to follow with my research. Before then I’d been told by a number of people that ‘theoretical particle physics is very hard’ and ‘it might not have a future’, and ‘maybe you should do something easier’. But then going to CERN really showed me that it does have a future, and it was something that I really wanted to do. I completed my PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics at Oxford University, and was then awarded a junior research fellowship at Peterhouse.

I work on the boundary between theoretical physics and x-ray astronomy. Cambridge is one of the leading universities in the world for physics and has really good research groups for both of these disciplines. And the college system is really great because it means you bump into people from all kinds of different subjects in college and have really interesting discussions that I wouldn’t have if I just hung around the department.

I work on particles called axions, mostly. We don’t currently know whether axions exist but they are motivated to exist by a number of different problems. One of these is string theory, which is the main candidate for a theory that explains both quantum physics and gravity. A problem with string theory is that it doesn’t have a lot of other predictions so it’s ‘mathematically nice’ but it’s hard to know if it’s true or not. One of the predictions is that you would get a lot of axions, so searching for those helps. If we found them it would provide some evidence for string theory but wouldn't prove it.

The other main motivation for axions is dark matter. So dark matter is matter that we know exists, because we can see its gravitational pull on other matter, by looking at, for example, the velocities of stars in the Milky Way. They are going faster than we expect, which means there must be more mass in the middle than we can see. But we don’t know what it is, and axions can also act as dark matter. So they’re motivated from a number of different angles. People are trying lots of different ways of searching for them, and I’m using an interdisciplinary approach that’s on the boundary between particle physics and astrophysics. I’m looking at analysing astrophysical spectra to try and work out whether it matches what we think it should just from the particles that we definitely know exist. Or whether there are other effects that might be signatures from new particles.

My advice to others who are thinking about studying a STEM subject is; absolutely, go for it. It’s likely that people will tell you that you can’t do it. That happened to me at every stage, from applying to Cambridge, applying for my PhD, applying for fellowships, people have always advised against it, and they’ve always been wrong. But you definitely won’t get anything if you don’t try, so it’s always worth just going for it. More specifically, for those who want a career in physics, study further maths. Do as much maths as possible, and also experiment with the conditions that your brain works best. So I have different places where I work in different ways and soundtracks for working on different problems, and so it’s quite important to curate how you’re working, that’s probably more important than putting in 12 hours a day. 

My daily work involves a lot of reading papers, keeping up to date with the literature, programming is a big part of my job, to do simulations of, for example, what effects we might expect axions to have, so I’m asking the question, if axions existed, what would we expect this spectrum to have. And normally the way to answer that is to write some code. Talking to colleagues about different ideas for projects, different things we could study or look at, writing papers, there’s a lot of working out the different conversions between different units and minus signs and so on.

Away from work, I perform as a science comedian. I used to be quite bad at public speaking, and I wanted to get better because it’s really important for any career in science. Even if you don’t do public engagement, you give a lot of seminars and talks, so I challenged myself to take up every speaking opportunity that came my way for a while, and then I’d get better by practising. We got an email around the department from an organisation that facilitate academics to do stand-up comedy about their research. So according to my self-imposed rule, I had to sign up for it. So I thought, what have I got to lose, and it went from there. I find it really enjoyable, when you can make a room full of people laugh hysterically it’s such a high. Most of my material is about physics, so it’s a public engagement talk, but it’s funny, it’s interesting and people learn something as well.

Dr Francesca Chadha-Day is a theoretical physicist, a research fellow at Peterhouse, and a science comedian. Here, she tells us about her lifelong love of physics, her work on dark matter and particles called axions, and the high that comes with making a roomful of people laugh. 

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Bookings open for the 26th Cambridge Science Festival


Now in its 26th year, the annual Festival is set to host 390 free events between 9 – 22 March at venues across the city.  The theme this year is ‘vision’.

Healthcare and medicine are a major feature of this year’s programme with sessions on everything from growing mini organs and 3D printing of living cells to a promising new treatment for hardened arteries.

Using state-of-the-art technology, researchers are now able to grow organoids – miniature versions of organs. In Mini-organs in a dish: how organoids are revolutionising research (12 March), Dr Emma Rawlins, The Gurdon Institute, explains how organoids are grown and discusses why this new technology is so important for biomedical research.

Dr Rawlins said: “Organoid technology has already been used to study human embryonic development, to test personalised treatments for cystic fibrosis and to replace some of the animals used in drug testing. Scientists are now exploring its potential for growing replacement organs, repairing damaged genes and providing personalised treatments for other diseases.”

Researchers are also exploring whether they can ‘print’ biomaterials to repair organs among other healthcare benefits. In 3D printing for healthcare (14 March), Dr Yan Yan Shery Huang, Department of Engineering, gives an overview on how 3D printing technologies could transform the way implants are produced, drugs are screened or perhaps even how damaged organs are ‘repaired’.

Dr Huang said: “Research is focused on two main streams: bioprinting for tissue and organ function replacements, including printing a scaffold for a heart, a human ear, and a blood vessel-permeated-bioreactor; and bioprinting for drug testing – pseudo-models of different levels of complexities, from brain to muscles have already been created. Research is continuing, with the aim to reduce and replace animal studies and to improve the predictive power of the models.”

Hardening of the arteries is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and stroke. Despite the huge impact on human health, there are still no cures. In More than a blocked pipe: the hardening of arteries and their role in stroke and heart attacks (18 March), Dr Nick Evans, Department of Medicine, and Professor Melinda Duer, Department of Chemistry, discuss their combined efforts to find better diagnoses and treatments. They reveal new research and findings on how hardened arteries can be diagnosed more precisely through PET (positron emission tomography), which is proving to be an excellent way to assess patients and could lead to potential new drug treatment.

 “To stop artery calcification, we need to stop the mineral from forming in the artery wall in the first place,” Professor Duer said. “We have very recently discovered that a molecule known as poly(ADP ribose), produced by cells in the artery wall that are stressed from fatty deposits around them, is responsible for initiating the formation of the mineral deposits. The exciting treatment possibility is to stop stressed cells from making poly(ADP ribose) – if it works, it will be the first drug treatment for vascular calcification.”  

Scientists and researchers at the forefront of tackling ovarian cancer are also making breakthroughs. In Tackling ovarian cancer: turning the tide on one of the toughest cancers (19 March), Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI), the Department of Radiology and AstraZeneca discuss how they are rapidly turning the tide on ovarian cancer using innovative new detection methods, including liquid biopsy and virtual biopsy, and through new treatments, such as Olaparib – which became available in the UK in December 2019. 

You can book online or download the full programme via Cambridge Science Festival.


Keep up to date with the Festival on social media via Facebook and Twitter #CamSciFest and Instagram.

Bookings for the 2020 Cambridge Science Festival open today (10th February) with a huge array of events and scientists at the forefront of groundbreaking research.

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Create a WTO-equivalent to oversee the internet, recommends new report


The findings, which have been published by the UK-China Global Issues Dialogue Centre at Jesus College Cambridge, draw on a conference attended by international experts including former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and representatives from Google, Facebook, Huawei, Alibaba, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the ITU, and OECD.

The global communications system – including the internet, smartphone access, and the Internet of Things – allows near-universal communication and supports almost every aspect of the modern economy. The report argues that just as the capabilities of communications infrastructures are being amplified by artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, we are becoming more aware of the risks of direct attacks and splintering, and the threat of distrust.

Professor Peter Williamson, Chair of the UK-China Global Issues Dialogue Centre, said: “The world faces a series of complex issues involving data and communications which go beyond national or bilateral deals. They potentially threaten free and open trade, easy and reliable communication, data flows and connectivity.”

Conference attendees widely agreed that the world would benefit from better orchestrating knowledge about communications infrastructures, providing a shared picture of issues, threats and opportunities, based on deep technical expertise. One of the most important recommendations in this report is that the first step in creating a WTO-equivalent for data flows would be to set up a Global Communications Observatory. The Observatory could play an important role in uncovering potential risks of new data and communications technologies, such as loss of privacy or opportunities for data tampering, and proposing solutions.

“We need a global institution comparable to those in climate change, finance, health, development or refugees. At the moment, there is no obvious place for multilateral negotiations over issues such as data privacy or cybersecurity,” added Professor Williamson.  

“We propose using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a model, as that has hugely influenced intergovernmental processes of negotiation and action around climate change.”

Creating the Global Communications Observatory would require support from the main telecommunications companies, mobile providers and platforms, sharing relevant data on network performance and patterns. It could in time become a condition of public licenses, and use of spectrum, that they share key data on the state of networks. It would be likely to need joint funding by the main nations involved in global communications, with contributions from the main businesses (operators, platforms and manufacturers), so that it could offer a living picture of the state and prospects of the infrastructures on which we all depend.

Designed to be as high profile and accountable as the IPCC, the Global Communications Observatory would draw on existing processes and use techniques pioneered by the IPCC for large-scale expert participation in analysis and assessments. It would deliver regular reports on key trends and emergent issues, and present accessible visualisations of the state of communications networks. In time, it could gain a formal status and a duty to report into the G20 and G7.

The internet needs an international World Trade Organization (WTO)-style body to protect and grow it as one of the world’s unique shared resources: a communications infrastructure that is open, free, safe and reliable, concludes a new report published today.

The world faces a series of complex issues involving data and communications which go beyond national or bilateral deals. They potentially threaten free and open trade, easy and reliable communication, data flows and connectivity
Peter Williamson
Earth Internet Globalisation

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Women in STEM: Dr Natasha Morrison


I study the structure and properties of networks. One area of my research concerns the ‘bootstrap percolation process’ which can be thought of as a model of the spread of disease on a network. Mathematical results about this process have impacts on many other disciplines, including physics, computer science and sociology. For example, it has been used to model the way opinions spread through a social network, or model neural networks.

Imagine a social network. The people in this network can be represented by a set of nodes, and if two of the people are close friends, the nodes are connected - this can be represented by a line between the nodes. If some people in this network catch a contagious disease, then this disease may spread throughout the network. The bootstrap percolation process obeys the following rules: a particular set of people are infected initially, and if a person is not infected they are healthy. In this model, once someone is infected they remain infected forever. If a person is connected to at least two infected people, they also become infected. The process stops when it is not possible for anyone new to become infected.

I study questions about this process and related processes on a variety of different networks. I hope my research will lead to progress on a number of exciting and important conjectures in combinatorics, the branch of mathematics I work in. At the end of my fellowship I hope to be able to secure a permanent academic position.

I spend a lot of time thinking about mathematical problems. This generally involves staring at a sheet of paper or a board, and thinking about and discussing them with other mathematicians. Learning about other peoples’ methods and results is also helpful, as perhaps those techniques can be applied to what I am working on. Once we have solved a problem, we then try to write it up in a paper - and this is probably what takes up most of my time. I also do various sorts of teaching and some outreach in schools and in college. My research has also given me the opportunity to travel all over the world. I have been to conferences in a number of exciting locations, including Brazil, France and Israel, and I have been on research visits to work with mathematicians at other institutions.

Cambridge is a world-class university for mathematics. There are so many incredibly intelligent, lovely people in my field here to collaborate with. I really enjoy being part of a college community and I find my colleagues in college incredibly helpful and supportive towards my work.

Dr Natasha Morrison is a Research Fellow in mathematics at Sidney Sussex College and a member of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. She completed her PhD at Oxford and her undergraduate studies at Durham. Her research focuses on a branch of mathematics which models the behaviours of networks, from how diseases spread to how viral stories circulate on social media.

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Zooming in on breast cancer reveals how mutations shape the tumour landscape

Molecular map of a breast tumour

An international team of scientists, brought together by a £20 million Grand Challenge award from Cancer Research UK, has developed intricate maps of breast tumour samples, with a resolution smaller than a single cell.

These maps show how the complex cancer landscape, made up of cancer cells, immune cells and connective tissue, varies between and within tumours, depending on their genetic makeup.

This technique could one day provide doctors with an unparalleled wealth of information about each patient’s tumour upon diagnosis, allowing them to match each patient with the best course of treatment for them.

In the future, it could also be used to analyse tumours during treatment, allowing doctors to see in unprecedented detail how tumours are responding to drugs or radiotherapy. They could then modify treatments accordingly, to give each patient the best chance of beating the disease.

Dr Raza Ali, lead author of the study and junior group leader at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, said: “At the moment, doctors only look for a few key markers to understand what type of breast cancer someone has. But as we enter an era of personalised medicine, the more information we have about a patient’s tumour, the more targeted and effective we can make their treatment.”  

The researchers studied 483 different tumour samples, collected as part of the Cancer Research UK funded METABRIC study, a project that has already revolutionised our understanding of the disease by revealing that there are at least 11 different subtypes of breast cancer.

The team looked within the samples for the presence of 37 key proteins, indicative of the characteristics and behaviour of cancer cells. Using a technique called imaging mass cytometry, they produced detailed images, which revealed precisely how each of the 37 proteins were distributed across the tumour.

The researchers then combined this information with vast amounts of genetic data from each patient’s sample to further enhance the image resolution. This is the first time imaging mass cytometry has been paired with genomic data.

These tumour ‘blueprints’ expose the distribution of different types of cells, their individual characteristics and the interactions between them.

By matching these pictures of tumours to clinical information from each patient, the team also found that the technique could be used to predict how someone’s cancer might progress and respond to different treatments.

Professor Carlos Caldas, co-author of the study from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, said: “We’ve shown that the effects of mutations in cancer are far more wide-ranging than first thought.

“They affect how cancer cells interact with their neighbours and other types of cell, influencing the entire structure of the tumour.”

The research was funded by Cancer Research UK’s Grand Challenge initiative. By providing international, multidisciplinary teams with £20 million grants, this initiative aims to solve the biggest challenges in cancer.

Dr David Scott, director of Grand Challenge at Cancer Research UK said: “This team is making incredible advances, helping us to peer into a future when breast cancer treatments are truly personalised.

“There’s still a long way to go before this technology reaches patients, but with further research and clinical trials, we hope to unlock its powerful potential.”

H. Raza Ali et al. 'Imaging mass cytometry and multi-platform genomics define the phenogenomic landscape of breast cancer.' Nature Cancer (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s43018-020-0026-6

Adapated from a Cancer Research UK press release.

Scientists have created one of the most detailed maps of breast cancer ever achieved, revealing how genetic changes shape the physical tumour landscape, according to research funded published in Nature Cancer.

We’ve shown that the effects of mutations in cancer are far more wide-ranging than first thought
Carlos Caldas
Molecular map of a breast tumour

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Cambridge researchers advise county council on net zero policy actions


Early-career researchers from across the University have outlined the different paths to net zero emissions for Cambridgeshire, an ambitious goal which will involve full electrification of almost all vehicles, full decarbonisation of the national grid, and large-scale investment in public transport.

The Policy Challenges, a collaboration between Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE) and Cambridgeshire county council, offers an opportunity for early-career researchers at Cambridge to use their skills to benefit the local community, while honing transferable skills, developing an understanding of local government, and engaging first hand with the interface between evidence and policy.

Over a six-month period from March to September 2019, two teams of researchers investigated questions on Cambridgeshire’s carbon footprint raised by the council, and provided evidence-based recommendations on how to adapt policies in order to deliver the county’s decarbonisation goals.

One team addressed the broad question of how Cambridgeshire can reach the UK’s recently-adopted net zero emissions target by 2050, while the second focused on policies to reduce transport emissions, improve air quality and reduce congestion.

“The CUSPE Policy Challenges are a fantastic opportunity to learn about the interactions between local and national government and contribute to evidence used as a basis for new policies. I would recommend them for all those interested in science policy,” said James Weber, a member of the team and a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry.

The 2020 round of the CUSPE Policy Challenges will be launched in February 2020: interested researchers can attend the launchevent at Jesus College on Wednesday 26th February, and can apply to take part by midnight on Friday 6th March.

Net zero Cambridgeshire

Based on the most recent data at the time of analysis, greenhouse gas emissions for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough amounted to 6.1 megatonnes CO2-equivalent in 2016, a reduction of 26% since 2005. Nearly 90% of these emissions come from just three sectors: transport (39%), commercial services and industry (27%), and domestic buildings (21%). Agriculture and waste management account for a further 7% and 2% respectively.

To investigate how these emissions levels can be reduced to net zero by 2050, the researchers performed a science-based analysis of all possible opportunities for emissions reductions, in line with two future scenarios: a 2050 baseline scenario which assumes no further actions are taken other than those already legislated or planned at national level, and a second 2050 ambitious scenario which assumes aggressive decarbonisation actions are taken at both national and local authority levels.

Their results show that a 90% reduction in Cambridgeshire’s county-level emissions is possible by 2050 through the ambitious scenario, but will require far-reaching and aggressive mitigation actions. “For progress to be made, action has to be taken across all sectors, but with transport, housing and commercial buildings the major targets,” said Sarah Nelson, another member of the research team, and a PhD candidate in the Department of Engineering.

For transport, this means 91% of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), and 100% of cars, large goods vehicles (LGVs), buses and motorcycles need to be electric by 2050. In addition, policies to encourage a shift away from cars to walking, cycling and public transport will be required.

To decarbonise domestic buildings meanwhile, a large-scale rollout of low-carbon heating technologies, such as heat pumps and district heating, will be required. Implementing these technologies is also crucial to decarbonise commercial services and industry, a sector which is heavily reliant on natural gas and solid fuel use.

The commercial services and industry sector also dominates demand for electricity, so reducing emissions will also require full decarbonisation of the national grid. The report also emphasises the need for deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) at waste incineration plants and aggressive methane capture at landfill sites, to cut emissions from waste management.

Reducing Transport Emissions

The second team of researchers produced an additional report, specifically addressing Cambridgeshire’s emissions from the transport sector. Based on case studies of similar-sized cities across the UK and Europe, they investigated which policies have worked elsewhere to reduce transport emissions, while simultaneously reducing air pollution and congestion.

Their findings show that local policies to stimulate a modal shift away from car use to walking, cycling and public transport yield faster emissions reductions than vehicle electrification, but the introduction of clean air zones and charging schemes to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles is also crucial to fully decarbonise the transport sector. Based on these findings, they suggest a minimum goal of 60% of journeys to be made on sustainable modes of transport by 2030, and a minimum of 60% of new car sales to be electric by 2030.

Closing the gap to net zero

The net zero report also shows that, even if all suggested actions in the ambitious scenario are implemented, 10% of current emissions from difficult-to-decarbonise sectors will still remain in 2050. Agriculture, which only makes up 7% of Cambridgeshire’s current emissions, will account for 40% of those remaining emissions by 2050, resulting from livestock and fertiliser use. Heavy industry and domestic buildings account for a further 23% and 19% of residual emissions by 2050 respectively, in part due to hard-to-decarbonise homes which cannot be disconnected from the gas grid.

Closing the gap to net zero by 2050 will therefore require additional ambitious actions, beyond the ambitious scenario, to reduce those final 10% of emissions to zero. The researchers find that forestation has the potential to play a key role in this, by sequestering between five and 13 tonnes of CO2 per year per hectare of trees planted. However, sequestering the full 10% of residual emissions would require planting an area of 34,000 hectares, roughly 11% of all land in Cambridgeshire. A combination of other approaches, including demand reduction, bioenergy with CCS, and direct air carbon capture, will also be essential to reach net zero.

These findings are in line with the Committee on Climate Change’s recent UK-wide net zero report, which also emphasises future reliance on negative emissions technologies such as CCS. However, many of these technologies are currently still in early stages of development, and have not yet been deployed at the scale required.

Finally, the report also finds that emissions from peatland, currently not accounted for in emissions inventories, could increase Cambridgeshire’s carbon emissions by as much as 90% if correctly included in reporting. However, by prioritising and investing in peatland restoration and preservation, Cambridgeshire has the potential to turn peatland from a net source of emissions into a net sink, contributing to its carbon sequestration efforts and net zero target. Since the majority of English peatland is located in Cambridgeshire, the county has a real opportunity to become a leader in peatland restoration, and have an impact on climate change mitigation worldwide.


A bold response to the world’s greatest challenge

The University of Cambridge is building on its existing research and launching an ambitious new environment and climate change initiative. Cambridge Zero is not just about developing greener technologies. It will harness the full power of the University’s research and policy expertise, developing solutions that work for our lives, our society and our biosphere.

A team of early-career researchers from the University of Cambridge are working with the county council to identify the best ways for Cambridgeshire to reach net zero emissions.

The CUSPE Policy Challenges are a fantastic opportunity to learn about the interactions between local and national government and contribute to evidence used as a basis for new policies
James Weber

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Watching TV helps birds make better food choices

Great tit and blue tit. Credit: Nataba, Adobe Stock images

Seeing the ‘disgust response’ in others helps them recognise distasteful prey by their conspicuous markings without having to taste them, and this can potentially increase both the birds’ and their prey’s survival rate. 

The study, published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, showed that blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) learned best by watching their own species, whereas great tits (Parus major) learned just as well from great tits and blue tits. In addition to learning directly from trial and error, birds can decrease the likelihood of bad experiences - and potential poisoning - by watching others. Such social transmission of information about novel prey could have significant effects on prey evolution, and help explain why different bird species flock together.

“Blue tits and great tits forage together and have a similar diet, but they may differ in their hesitation to try novel food. By watching others, they can learn quickly and safely which prey are best to eat. This can reduce the time and energy they invest in trying different prey, and also help them avoid the ill effects of eating toxic prey,” said Liisa Hämäläinen, formerly a PhD student in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Zoology (now at Macquarie University, Sydney) and first author of the report.

This is the first study to show that blue tits are just as good as great tits at learning by observing others. Previously, scientists thought great tits were better, but had only looked at learning about tasty foods. This new work shows that using social information to avoid bad outcomes is especially important in nature. 

Many insect species, such as ladybirds, firebugs and tiger moths have developed conspicuous markings and bitter-tasting chemical defences to deter predators. But before birds learn to associate the markings with a disgusting taste, these species are at high risk of being eaten because they stand out. 

“Conspicuous warning colours are an effective anti-predator defence for insects, but only after predators have learnt to associate the warning signal with a disgusting taste,” said Hämäläinen. “Before that, these insects are an easy target for naive, uneducated predators.” 

Blue tits and great tits forage together in the wild, so have many opportunities to learn from each other. If prey avoidance behaviour spreads quickly through predator populations, this could benefit the ongoing survival of the prey species significantly, and help drive its evolution.

The researchers showed each bird a video of another bird’s response as it ate a disgusting prey item. The TV bird’s disgust response to unpalatable food - including vigorous beak wiping and head shaking - provided information for the watching bird. The use of video allowed complete control of the information each bird saw.

The ‘prey’ shown on TV consisted of small pieces of almond flakes glued inside a white paper packet. In some of the packets, the almond flakes had been soaked in a bitter-tasting solution. Two black symbols printed on the outsides of the packets indicated palatability: tasty ‘prey’ had a cross symbol that blended into the background, and disgusting ‘prey’ had a conspicuous square symbol.

The TV-watching birds were then presented with the different novel ‘prey’ that was either tasty or disgusting, to see if they had learned from the birds on the TV. Both blue tits and great tits ate fewer of the disgusting ‘prey’ packets after watching the bird on TV showing a disgust response to those packets.

Birds, and all other predators, have to work out whether a potential food is worth eating in terms of benefits – such as nutrient content, and costs – such as the level of toxic defence chemicals. Watching others can influence their food preferences and help them learn to avoid unpalatable foods.

“In our previous work using great tits as a ‘model predator’, we found that if one bird sees another being repulsed by a new type of prey, then both birds learn to avoid it in the future. By extending the research we now see that different bird species can learn from each other too,” said Dr Rose Thorogood, previously at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Zoology and now at the University of Helsinki’s HiLIFE Institute of Life Science in Finland, who led the research. “This increases the potential audience that can learn by watching others, and helps to drive the evolution of the prey species.”

This research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council UK and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Hämäläinen, L. et al, ‘Social learning within and across predator species reduces attacks on novel aposematic prey’, Jan 2020, Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13180 

By watching videos of each other eating, blue tits and great tits can learn to avoid foods that taste disgusting and are potentially toxic, a new study has found.

By watching others, blue tits and great tits can learn quickly and safely which prey are best to eat.
Liisa Hämäläinen
Great tit and blue tit. Credit: Nataba, Adobe Stock images

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WOMEN in STEM: Dr Karen Pinilla


A better understanding of breast cancer biology has led to the identification of more effective treatments, and an increased cure rate in some breast cancer subgroups. However, some patients who are considered ‘high risk’ often receive intensified treatments that are associated with increased toxicity and which unfortunately don’t always mean better survival rates. 

My research aims to identify characteristics that can accurately predict the efficacy of different therapies. I focus on patients diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) and patients that carry inherited alterations in BRCA genes (gBRCA). We hope our results will support the development of more personalised treatments, with biomarkers accurately directing patients to receive therapies that are more likely to be beneficial for them.

My research involves comprehensive analysis of data obtained from two of the core projects currently running in the Breast Cancer Programme at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre: the Personalised Breast Cancer Programme (PBCP) and the PARTNER trial. In PBCP, whole-genome sequencing and RNA sequencing are obtained from patient’s tumour and blood samples. This study is currently running at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and will soon open in multiple sites across the UK. The PARTNER trial is a randomised clinical trial that aims to establish whether the addition of a new treatment (Olaparib) to standard chemotherapy improves outcomes in patients with TNBC and/or gBRCA. It is open in 28 sites across the UK and two international sites are in active set up.

I use cutting edge computational approaches to integrate high quality clinical and genomic data from both studies. I work with the bioinformatics team within Professor Carlos Caldas’ group at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, and collaborate with other computational teams across the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre.

Every time I am able to provide genomic data that helps better personalise a patient’s management, that day becomes a new ‘most interesting’ day. As a doctor and a researcher, that’s the best example of how our efforts in research can be translated into every patient care. I can’t think of a better definition of true scientific motivation. 

My research aims to generate a powerful tool to guide and help health professionals to personalise treatment in patients diagnosed with early breast cancerwho have a poor prognosis. I hope that this will help to speed up the identification of more effective treatments that will ultimately lead to more cured patients in a shorter period of time.

Cambridge is an exceptional environment for young researchers. It not only gives us the opportunity to work with some of the most outstanding and recognised leaders in cancer research but also to work side by side with fantastic experts in other fields. In my particular case, using highly advanced computational work to answer a purely clinical question would not be possible in a different context. Exchanging ideas with and bringing together experts from other fields is strongly encouraged in Cambridge. It is highly motivating to be surrounded by incredible people and great minds.

I have been especially fortunate in terms of mentors.Professor Carlos Caldas and Dr Jean Abraham have allowed me to engage with two exceptional projects. Their expertise and the quality of people in their teams have been vital to my development as a scientist.

I believe teamwork is the key for a successful career in science, medicine and life in general. Human beings are meant to grow and develop as part of a group. We are meant to be together and help each other as a team.

As women, we need to recognise our strengths and make sure our ideas are shared and used appropriately. There are no excuses for not doing it. To increase the chances of that happening, make sure you have good supporters around you. It can be members of your family, your partner, your mentors or workmates. Nobody is capable of doing everything on their own. Just make sure you ask for help when you need it.

Dr Karen Pinilla is a clinical research fellow at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre. She worked as a clinician in the breast unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital before starting her fellowship in October 2019. She is now based in both Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.

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Watching magnetic nano ‘tornadoes’ in 3D


The team, from the Universities of Cambridge and Glasgow in the UK and ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, used their technique to observe how the magnetisation behaves, the first time this has been done in three dimensions. The technique, called time-resolved magnetic laminography, could be used to understand and control the behaviour of new types of magnets for next-generation data storage and processing. The results are reported in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Magnets are widely used in applications from data storage to energy production and sensors. In order to understand why magnets behave the way they do, it is important to understand the structure of their magnetisation, and how that structure reacts to changing currents or magnetic fields.

“Until now, it hasn’t been possible to actually measure how magnets respond to changing magnetic fields in three dimensions,” said Dr Claire Donnelly from Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory, and the study’s first author. “We’ve only really been able to observe these behaviours in thin films, which are essentially two dimensional, and which therefore don’t give us a complete picture.”

Moving from two dimensions to three is highly complex, however. Modelling and visualising magnetic behaviour is relatively straightforward in two dimensions, but in three dimensions, the magnetisation can point in any direction and form patterns, which is what makes magnets so powerful.

“Not only is it important to know what patterns and structures this magnetisation forms, but it’s essential to understand how it reacts to external stimuli,” said Donnelly. “These responses are interesting from a fundamental point of view, but they are crucial when it comes to magnetic devices used in technology and applications.”

One of the main challenges in investigating these responses is tied to the very reason magnetic materials are so relevant for so many applications: changes in the magnetisation typically are extremely small, and happen extremely fast. Magnetic configurations – so-called domain structures – exhibit features on the order of tens to hundreds of nanometres, thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair, and typically react to magnetic fields and currents in billionths of a second.

Now, Donnelly and her collaborators from the Paul Scherrer Institute, the University of Glasgow and ETH Zurich have developed a technique to look inside a magnet, visualise its nanostructure, and how it responds to a changing magnetic field in three dimensions, and at the size and timescales required.

The technique they developed, time-resolved magnetic laminography, uses ultra-bright X-rays from a synchrotron source to probe the magnetic state from different directions at the nanoscale, and how it changes in response to a quickly alternating magnetic field. The resulting seven-dimensional dataset (three dimensions for the position, three for the direction and one for the time) is then obtained using a specially developed reconstruction algorithm, providing a map of the magnetisation dynamics with 70 picosecond temporal resolution, and 50 nanometre spatial resolution.

What the researchers saw with their technique was like a nanoscale storm: patterns of waves and tornadoes moving side to side as the magnetic field changed. The movement of these tornadoes, or vortices, had previously only been observed in two dimensions.

The researchers tested their technique using conventional magnets, but they say it could also be useful in the development of new types of magnets which exhibit new types of magnetism. These new magnets, such as 3D-printed nanomagnets, could be useful for new types of high-density, high-efficiency data storage and processing.

“We can now investigate the dynamics of new types of systems that could open up new applications we haven’t even thought of,” said Donnelly. “This new tool will help us to understand, and control, their behaviour.”

The research was funded in part by the Leverhulme Trust, the Isaac Newton Trust and the European Union.

Claire Donnelly et al. ‘Time-resolved imaging of three-dimensional nanoscale magnetization dynamics.’ Nature Nanotechnology (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41565-020-0649-x

Scientists have developed a three-dimensional imaging technique to observe complex behaviours in magnets, including fast-moving waves and ‘tornadoes’ thousands of times thinner than a human hair.

We can now investigate the dynamics of new types of systems that could open up new applications we haven’t even thought of
Claire Donnelly
Reconstruction of 3D magnetic structure

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Global coalition needed to transform girls’ education - report


A ‘global coalition of parliamentarians’ needs to be set up to meet the urgent international challenge of delivering a quality education to millions of girls who are currently being denied access to any at all, a new report says.

The study, written by academics in the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, and commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, urges politicians to collaborate ‘across geographical and political divides’, in a concerted drive to ensure that all girls gain access to education by an internationally-agreed target date of 2030.

According to data gathered by UNESCO, an estimated 130 million girls are currently out of school. Over half of all school-age girls do not achieve a minimum standard in reading and mathematics, even if they do receive an education.

The call for collective, inter-governmental approaches to address this is one of seven recommendations in the report, which together aim to provide a framework for ‘transformative political action’.

Among others, the authors also stress that marginalised girls will only be able to access education if governments adopt a ‘whole-system’ approach to the problem. That means addressing wider societal issues that currently limit women’s life chances beyond education – such as gender-based violence, discrimination, or social norms that force young girls into early marriage and childbearing.

The full report, Transformative political leadership to promote 12 years of quality education for girls, is being published on 25 February, 2020, by the Platform for Girls’ Education. It is being launched in Geneva, as ministers convene for the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council.

Co-author, Pauline Rose, Director of the University’s REAL Centre said: “Everyone – or almost everyone – agrees that improving girls’ access to quality education is important, but progress has been limited. The report aims to provide a framework so that governments and those in power can turn goodwill into action.”

“More than anything, we need to look beyond what individuals, or single Governments can do, because we will only address this challenge successfully through bipartisan coalitions and collective approaches.”

The need to improve girls’ access to education is recognised in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, set in 2015. These include commitments to provide inclusive and quality education to all, and to achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, by the year 2030.

With the clock ticking on that deadline, initiatives such as the Platform for Girls’ Education have been launched to lobby for quality education for girls. The Platform is part of the international ‘Leave No Girl Behind’ campaign, which calls for all girls to receive 12 years of quality education – an ambition restated by the present British Government in the December 2019 Queen’s speech.

In a statement accompanying the report’s release, however, the UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI), which provided feedback on the study, observes that: “Political momentum is not being sufficiently translated into reforms that will put us on track to achieve our Global Goals by 2030. The world is failing to deliver on its promise of quality education, and girls remain the most marginalised.”

Building on earlier studies, the new report identifies seven ways in which governments can take concrete, sustainable and effective action to resolve this.

It was based on a global review of current efforts, with a focus on low and lower-middle income countries. The researchers also carried out interviews with 11 current and former political leaders involved in championing girls’ education.

Its seven main recommendations are:

  • Heads of government, ministers and MPs must use their platform to demonstrate commitment to the development of policies supporting the aim of 12 years of quality education for all girls. Senior civil servants should be equipped to ensure that this continues across election cycles.
  • Women leaders should be represented at every level of government to improve gender-balance in decision-making and to act as role models.
  • A global coalition of parliamentarians should be established to advocate for girls’ education, working across political divides.
  • Senior civil servants should invest in and use data on education that separates out information on gender and other sources of disadvantage, so that this evidence can inform policy-making.
  • Political leaders must collaborate with key stakeholders in gender equality and education issues – such as women’s and youth organisations, civil society organisations, and religious leaders.
  • Government ministers and civil servants should take whole-system approaches to embedding gender equality in national plans and policies, given the multiple barriers to girls’ education.
  • Governments should implement gender-responsive budgeting, that ensure sufficient domestic resources are applied to girls’ education.

“Successful reform rarely depends on individuals acting alone,” the authors add. “It relies on alliances, collective action and advocacy. Networks and coalitions are vital to tackle issues that are beyond the capacity of individuals to resolve, as well as to provide a stronger, collective voice.”

The full report is available at: https://lngb.ungei.org/ 

A new report aims to provide a framework so that "governments and those in power can turn goodwill into action”.

We need to look beyond what individuals, or single Governments can do
Pauline Rose

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The climate crisis: towards zero carbon


If we are to avoid climate disaster we must sharply reduce our carbon dioxide emissions starting today – but how?

In a new film, Cambridge researchers describe their work on generating and storing renewable energy, reducing energy consumption, understanding the impact of climate policies, and probing how we can each reduce our environmental impact.

We hear about the ambitious new programme Cambridge Zero bringing together ideas and innovations to tackle the global challenge of climate catastrophe – and inspiring a generation of future leaders – and how the University is looking at its own operations to develop a zero carbon pathway for the future.


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Visit our spotlight on Sustainable Earth

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Sir David Attenborough, Dr Jane Goodall DBE and leading Cambridge University researchers talk about the urgency of climate crisis – and some of the solutions that will take us towards zero carbon.

There are huge opportunities to getting things right – the only way to operate is to believe we can do something about it – and I truly think we can.
Sir David Attenborough

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New approaches to help businesses tackle climate change


The findings come from the Cambridge Climate Change Business Risk Index, a new component of the Cambridge Global Risk Index. The index is developed by the Centre for Risk Studies, with Cambridge Zero and British Antarctic Survey. The initial results will be announced today at an event for business leaders and climate scientists at Cambridge Judge Business School.

The index incorporates climate model outputs to analyse and quantify the increasing risks of extreme weather events, and their potential to disrupt business operations and supply chains globally. Today’s event is designed to provide a platform for climate scientists to consult with the business community and ensure that final outputs meet business needs.

For example, the index shows that, by 2040, businesses in Chicago can expect a 50% chance of having an additional 20 days a year where average temperatures will exceed 25ºC and an additional week of days above 30ºC. It is expected that climate change will add around 20% to the global cost of extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, heatwaves and droughts. It is estimated that extreme weather events will increase from reported losses at present running at an average of around $195 billion a year in direct costs to $234 billion by 2040, an increase of $39 billion a year at today’s values.

If the indirect costs from supply chain disruption and other knock-on economic consequences are factored in, it is possible that climate change could add over $100 billion of loss each year to the global economy.

Accurately quantifying this kind of information on business-relevant timescales will help businesses plan for their increased exposure to heatwaves and other climate-related risks.

Climate change is a growing concern for businesses. Many corporations are trying to understand how it is likely to affect them, the actions that they may need to undertake for sustainability as well as commercial and competitive reasons, and the regulatory requirements or other liabilities they may face.

“Companies are struggling to reconcile the long-range forecasts of the consequences of a warmer planet in several decades’ time, with weather changes that are already impacting their businesses in various ways, and how their business will be affected by the transitions that society is making today towards a low-carbon economy,” said Dr Andrew Coburn, Chief Scientist at the Centre for Risk Studies.

The University of Cambridge has recently launched Cambridge Zero, which brings together its research, policy, and private sector engagement activities on climate change and zero-carbon solutions.

“Cambridge Zero provides an opportunity for the University’s research expertise to contribute information and tools for use by businesses, as well as policymakers and other stakeholders,” said Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Director of Cambridge Zero.

Today’s event brings together business executives with climate scientists to help improve the dialogue between the two, with the aim of allowing businesses to articulate what they need from the science to aid their business decisions, and for scientists to help businesses understand the risks that they face and to provide information and data in formats that businesses can readily consume.

The event is hosted by the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, in collaboration with Cambridge Zero, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Hughes Hall Centre for Climate Change Engagement, and Chapter Zero.

Climate change could add around 20% to the global cost of extreme weather events by 2040, according to early findings from Cambridge researchers, who are urging businesses to evaluate their own exposures to the growing risk to improve their resilience and sustainability.

Number of days per year with mean daily temperatures above 25 degrees - 1979-2018 compared with 2018-2059

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Large exoplanet could have the right conditions for life


A team from the University of Cambridge used the mass, radius, and atmospheric data of the exoplanet K2-18b and determined that it’s possible for the planet to host liquid water at habitable conditions beneath its hydrogen-rich atmosphere. The results are reported in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The exoplanet K2-18b, 124 light-years away, is 2.6 times the radius and 8.6 times the mass of Earth, and orbits its star within the habitable zone, where temperatures could allow liquid water to exist. The planet was the subject of significant media coverage in the autumn of 2019, as two different teams reported detection of water vapour in its hydrogen-rich atmosphere. However, the extent of the atmosphere and the conditions of the interior underneath remained unknown.

“Water vapour has been detected in the atmospheres of a number of exoplanets but, even if the planet is in the habitable zone, that doesn’t necessarily mean there are habitable conditions on the surface,” said Dr Nikku Madhusudhan from Cambridge’s Institute of Astronomy, who led the new research. “To establish the prospects for habitability, it is important to obtain a unified understanding of the interior and atmospheric conditions on the planet – in particular, whether liquid water can exist beneath the atmosphere.”

Given the large size of K2-18b, it has been suggested that it would be more like a smaller version of Neptune than a larger version of Earth. A ‘mini-Neptune’ is expected to have a significant hydrogen ‘envelope’ surrounding a layer of high-pressure water, with an inner core of rock and iron. If the hydrogen envelope is too thick, the temperature and pressure at the surface of the water layer beneath would be far too great to support life.

Now, Madhusudhan and his team have shown that despite the size of K2-18b, its hydrogen envelope is not necessarily too thick and the water layer could have the right conditions to support life. They used the existing observations of the atmosphere, as well as the mass and radius, to determine the composition and structure of both the atmosphere and interior using detailed numerical models and statistical methods to explain the data.

The researchers confirmed the atmosphere to be hydrogen-rich with a significant amount of water vapour. They also found that levels of other chemicals such as methane and ammonia were lower than expected for such an atmosphere. Whether these levels can be attributed to biological processes remains to be seen.

The team then used the atmospheric properties as boundary conditions for models of the planetary interior. They explored a wide range of models that could explain the atmospheric properties as well as the mass and radius of the planet. This allowed them to obtain the range of possible conditions in the interior, including the extent of the hydrogen envelope and the temperatures and pressures in the water layer.

“We wanted to know the thickness of the hydrogen envelope – how deep the hydrogen goes,” said co-author Matthew Nixon, a PhD student at the Institute of Astronomy. “While this is a question with multiple solutions, we’ve shown that you don’t need much hydrogen to explain all the observations together.”

The researchers found that the maximum extent of the hydrogen envelope allowed by the data is around 6% of the planet’s mass, though most of the solutions require much less. The minimum amount of hydrogen is about one-millionth by mass, similar to the mass fraction of the Earth’s atmosphere. In particular, a number of scenarios allow for an ocean world, with liquid water below the atmosphere at pressures and temperatures similar to those found in Earth’s oceans.

This study opens the search for habitable conditions and bio-signatures outside the solar system to exoplanets that are significantly larger than Earth, beyond Earth-like exoplanets. Additionally, planets such as K2-18b are more accessible to atmospheric observations with current and future observational facilities. The atmospheric constraints obtained in this study can be refined using future observations with large facilities such as the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope. 

Nikku Madhusudhan et al. ‘The interior and atmosphere of the habitable-zone exoplanet K2-18b.’ The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2020). DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab7229 

Astronomers have found an exoplanet more than twice the size of Earth to be potentially habitable, opening the search for life to planets significantly larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.

Water vapour has been detected in the atmospheres of a number of exoplanets but, even if the planet is in the habitable zone, that doesn’t necessarily mean there are habitable conditions on the surface
Nikku Madhusudhan
Artist's impression of K2-18b

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Women in STEM: Oluwaseun Ogundele


Embryonic stem cells can either make more copies of themselves, or differentiate to form any cell type in the body. This means that they have the potential to form any tissue, that is, they are pluripotent. How pluripotent cells make the decision to differentiate, and which cell type to differentiate into, is defined by which genes the cell turns on, and which it turns off. Genes are encoded in the cell’s DNA, which gets packaged up in the cell with proteins into a structure called chromatin.

Our lab studies the function of a group of proteins which can change the structure of chromatin, turning genes up, down, or off, in pluripotent cells. Our key questions are: How do pluripotent cells control their gene expression in order to make developmental decisions? How does the function of chromatin-modifying proteins precisely control gene expression patterns?

We are addressing these questions by studying both embryonic stem cells, but also pluripotent cells that exist very early in mammalian development. We aim to better understand how cells make decisions during normal development, but also to understand how these processes occasionally go wrong and result in human diseases such as cancer.

A typical day for me is mostly lab-based, growing generated cell lines in culture and maintaining them in their optimal conditions. I then harvest these cells, running experiments on them to see for example their gene expression dynamics (qPCR analysis), or running western blots. I also do some admin/lab management work, liaising with company representatives, as well as some science communication on social media: follow me on YouTube, InstagramTwitter or Facebook

The most inspiring day I have had so far was listening to a talk by Nobel Prize winner Sir John Gurdon, which says something the Cambridge science community. The researchers here are leading experts in their fields, but there are lots of opportunities for free-flowing science discussions with them, as well as access to see and learn about the range of good research being done here in Cambridge.

As a person of colour, it can be intimidating or disappointing to see a lack of representation in my field, and that has led to underlying feelings of imposter syndrome, but my advice is to remind yourself that you deserve to be here. I also believe that being open about your journey and experience as a woman in STEM is key, because representation matters!


Oluwaseun Ogundele is a research assistant in the Hendrich Lab at the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. Here, she tells us about her work studying the body’s master cells and their role in disease, meeting Nobel Prize winners, and how she’s using social media to increase the visibility of women of colour working in STEM fields.

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Learning difficulties due to poor connectivity, not specific brain regions, study shows


Between 14-30% of children and adolescents worldwide have learning difficulties severe enough to require additional support. These difficulties are often associated with cognitive and/or behavioural problems. In some cases, children who are struggling at school receive a formal diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty or disability, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or developmental language disorder, or of a developmental disorder such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyspraxia, or autism spectrum disorder.

Scientists have struggled to identify specific areas of the brain that might give rise to these difficulties, with studies implicating myriad brain regions. ADHD, for example, has been linked to the anterior cingulate cortex, caudate nucleus, pallidum, striatum, cerebellum, prefrontal cortex, the premotor cortex and most parts of the parietal lobe.

One potential explanation is that each diagnosis differs so much between one individual and the next, that each involves different combinations of brain regions. However, a more provocative explanation has been proposed by a team of scientists at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge: there are, in fact, no specific brain areas that cause these difficulties.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers used machine learning to map the brain differences across a group of almost 479 children, 337 of whom had been referred with learning-related cognitive problems and 142 from a comparison sample. The algorithm interpreted data taken from a large battery of cognitive, learning, and behavioural measures, as well as from brain scans taken using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results are published today in Current Biology.

The researchers found that the brain differences did not map onto any labels the children had been given – in other words, there were no brain regions that predicted having ASD or ADHD, for example. More surprisingly, they found that the different brain regions did not even predict specific cognitive difficulties – there was no specific brain deficit for language problems or memory difficulties, for example.

Instead, the team found that the children’s brains were organised around hubs, like an efficient traffic system or social network. Children who had well-connected brain hubs had either very specific cognitive difficulties, such as poor listening skills, or had no cognitive difficulties at all. By contrast, children with poorly connected hubs – like a train station with few or poor connections – had widespread and severe cognitive problems.

“Scientists have argued for decades that there are specific brain regions that predict having a particular learning disorder or difficulty, but we’ve shown that this isn’t the case,” said Dr Duncan Astle, senior author on the study. “In fact, it’s much more important to consider how these brain areas are connected – specifically, whether they are connected via hubs. The severity of learning difficulties was strongly associated with the connectedness of these hubs, we think because these hubs play a key role in sharing information between brain areas.”

Dr Astle said that one implication of their work is that it suggests that interventions should be less reliant on diagnostic labels.

“Receiving a diagnosis is important for families. It can give professional recognition for a child’s difficulties and open the door to specialist support. But in terms of specific interventions, for example from the child’s teachers, they can be a distraction.

“It’s better to look at their areas of cognitive difficulties and how these can be supported, for example using specific interventions to improve listening skills or language competencies, or at interventions that would be good for the whole class, like how to how to reduce working memory demands during learning.”

The findings may explain why drugs treatments have not proven effective for developmental disorders. Methylphenidate (Ritalin), for example, which is used to treat ADHD, appears to reduce hyperactivity, but does not remediate cognitive difficulties or improve educational progress. Drugs tend to target specific types of nerve cells, but would have little impact on a ‘hub-based’ organisation that has emerged over many years.

While this is the first time that hubs and their connections have been shown to play a key role in learning difficulties and developmental disorders, their importance in brain disorders is becoming increasingly clear in recent years. Cambridge researchers have previously shown that they also play an important role in mental health disorders that begin to emerge during adolescence, such as schizophrenia.

The study was funded by the Medical Research Council.

Siugzdaite, R et al. Transdiagnostic brain mapping in developmental disorders. Current Biology; 27 Feb 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.01.078

Different learning difficulties do not correspond to specific regions of the brain, as previously thought, say researchers at the University of Cambridge. Instead poor connectivity between ‘hubs’ within the brain is much more strongly related to children’s difficulties.

Brain map showing examples of networks and hubs
Researcher profile: Dr Roma Siugzdaite

Matematika – tai proto gimnastika

Dr Roma Siugzdaite describes her mother, Marijona Siugzdiene, as the best maths teacher in her school in Kaisiadorys, Lithuania. This phrase was written on the wall in her classroom: it means ‘Mathematics is a gymnastics to your mind’.

“Looking back, it seems like it was my destiny written on that wall,” says Roma. “My background studies in mathematics brought me to study the brains and minds of children and people with certain diseases and disorders.”

Nowadays, Roma is based at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge, which means she can impress people at parties by describing herself as a brain scientist. “I am fascinated by the complexity of the brain,” she says.

Her research is aimed at helping children to overcome learning difficulties, but to achieve this she must first understand what happens in the brains of these children.

“Every time I have a hypothesis I need to get some data to test it, whether that’s by old-fashioned, pen and paper tests, using iPads or – as it mostly is – using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). That’s when the fun part begins – data analysis. I love it: it feels like searching for an order in a chaos.”

Fortunately, Cambridge is the ideal place to be doing research on children with learning difficulties, Roma says, in part because of the huge dataset held by the Centre for Attention, Learning and Memory (CALM) at her Unit, but also because of the Unit’s expertise working with MRI data.

Outside of the Unit, Roma – together with her family – will most likely be seen playing basketball. “I’ve been playing basketball my whole life. My husband is a basketball coach and now my daughter is playing basketball, too. We love the game!”

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Wine glass size may influence how much you drink in restaurants


Alcohol is the fifth largest contributor to early death in high income countries and the seventh world-wide. One proposed way of reducing the amount of alcohol consumed is to reduce the size of wine glasses, though until now the evidence supporting such a move has been inconclusive and often contradictory.

Wine glasses have increased in size almost seven-fold over the last 300 years with the most marked increase being a doubling in size since 1990. Over the past three centuries, the amount of wine consumed in England has more than quadrupled, although the number of wine consumers stayed constant. Wine sales in bars and restaurants are either of fixed serving sizes when sold by the glass, or – particularly in restaurants – sold by the bottle or carafe for free-pouring by customers or staff.

A preliminary study carried out by researchers at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit, University of Cambridge, suggested that serving wine in larger wine glasses – while keeping the measure the same – led to a significant increase in the amount of wine sold.

To provide a robust estimate of the effect size of wine glass size on sales – a proxy for consumption – the Cambridge team did a ‘mega-analysis’ that brought together all of their previously published datasets from studies carried out between 2015 and 2018 at bars and restaurants in Cambridge. The team used 300ml glasses as the reference level against which to compare differences in consumption.

In restaurants, when glass size was increased to 370ml, wine sales increased by 7.3%. Reducing the glass size to 250ml led to a drop of 9.6%, although confidence intervals (the range of values within which the researchers can be fairly certain their true value lies) make this figure uncertain. Curiously, increasing the glass size further to 450ml made no difference compared to using 300ml glasses.

“Pouring wine from a bottle or a carafe, as happens for most wine sold in restaurants, allows people to pour more than a standard serving size, and this effect may increase with the size of the glass and the bottle,” explained first author Dr Mark Pilling. “If these larger portions are still perceived to be ‘a glass’, then we would expect people to buy and consume more wine with larger glasses.

“As glass sizes of 300ml and 370ml are commonly used in restaurants and bars, drinkers may not have noticed the difference and still assumed they were pouring a standard serving. When smaller glass sizes of 250ml are available, they may also appear similar to 300ml glasses but result in a smaller amount of wine being poured. In contrast, very large glasses, such as the 450ml glasses, are more obviously larger, so drinkers may have taken conscious measures to reduce how much they drink, such as drinking more slowly or pouring with greater caution.”

The researchers also found similar internal patterns to those reported in previous studies, namely lower sales of wine on warmer days and much higher sales on Fridays and Saturdays than on Mondays.

The researchers found no significant differences in wine sales by glass size in bars – in contrast to the team’s earlier study. This shows the importance of replicating research to increase our ability to detect the effects of wine glass size. When combined with data from other experiments, the apparent effect in bars disappeared.

“If we are serious about tackling the negative effects of drinking alcohol, then we will need to understand the factors that influence how much we consume,” added senior author Professor Dame Theresa Marteau. “Given our findings, regulating wine glass size is one option that might be considered for inclusion in local licensing regulations for reducing drinking outside the home.”

Professor Ashley Adamson, Director of the NIHR School of Public Health Research, said: “We all like to think we're immune to subtle influences on our behaviour – like the size of a wine glass – but research like this clearly shows we're not. 

"This important work helps us understand how the small, everyday details of our lives affect our behaviours and so our health. Evidence like this can shape policies that would make it easier for everyone to be a bit healthier without even having to think about it.”   

Clive Henn, Senior Alcohol Advisor at Public Health England, welcomed the report: “This interesting study suggests a new alcohol policy approach by looking at how the size of wine glasses may influence how much we drink. It shows how our drinking environment can impact on the way we drink and help us to understand how to develop a drinking environment which helps us to drink less.”

The study received additional funding from Wellcome.

Pilling, M, Clarke N, Pechey R, Hollands GJ, Marteau TM. The effect of wine glass size on volume of wine sold: A mega-analysis of studies in bars and restaurants. Addiction; 28 Feb 2020; DOI: 10.1111/add.14998

The size of glass used for serving wine can influence the amount of wine drunk, suggests new research from the University of Cambridge, funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). The study found that when restaurants served wine in 370ml rather than 300ml glasses they sold more wine, and tended to sell less when they used 250ml glasses. These effects were not seen in bars.

If we are serious about tackling the negative effects of drinking alcohol, then we will need to understand the factors that influence how much we consume... Regulating wine glass size is one option that might be considered for inclusion in local licensing regulations for reducing drinking outside the home
Wine glasses

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