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'Upcycling' crowned Cambridge Dictionary's Word of the Year 2019


Upcycling was chosen as the ‘Word of the Day’ which resonated most strongly with followers on the Dictionary’s Instagram account, @CambridgeWords. The noun – defined as the activity of making new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste material – received more likes than any other ‘Word of the Day’ when shared on 4 July 2019. 

The number of times upcycling has been looked up on the Cambridge Dictionary website has risen by 181% since December of 2011, when it was first added to the online dictionary, and searches have doubled in the last year alone.

"We think it's the positive idea behind upcycling that appeals more than the word itself," said Wendalyn Nichols, Publishing Manager of the Cambridge Dictionary. "Stopping the progression of climate change, let alone reversing it, can seem impossible at times. Upcycling is a concrete action a single human being can take to make a difference.

"Lookups of upcycling reflect the momentum around individual actions to combat climate change — the youth activism sparked by Greta Thunberg; the growing trends of vegan, flexitarian and plant-based diets; reading and following the handbook There is No Planet B; or fashion designers upcycling clothes to create their latest collections." 

Other words on the shortlist for Word of the Year 2019 reflect the same concern with the effects of climate change, for instance:

carbon sinknoun 

An area of forest that is large enough to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the earth's atmosphere and therefore to reduce the effect of global warming


Something that is compostable can be used as compost when it decays


The act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged


The Cambridge Dictionary editors use data from the website, blogs, and social media to identify and prioritise new additions to the Dictionary. They identified upcycling as a word to include after noticing a spike in searches for the word in 2010.

A recent addition is the noun plastic footprint, defined as a measurement of the amount of plastic that someone uses and then discards, considered in terms of the resulting damage caused to the environment. This word, first identified by traditional citation gathering, received 1,048 votes in the New Words blog poll, with 61% of readers opting for the phrase to be added to Cambridge Dictionary.

Cambridge University Press has been publishing dictionaries for learners of English since 1995. Cambridge Dictionary began offering these dictionaries completely free of charge online in 1999. Celebrating its 20th birthday this year, Cambridge Dictionary is the top learner dictionary website on the planet, currently serving 394 million unique visitors a year.

Cambridge Dictionary has named 'upcycling', the activity of making new items out of old or used things, as its Word of the Year 2019. 

Upcycling is a concrete action a single human being can take to make a difference
Wendalyn Nichols
Upcycling crowned Cambridge Dictionary's Word of the Year 2019
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Cambridge University Press is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Across the world, the Press now sends zero waste to landfill. At its Cambridge office, the Press recently installed one of the UK’s largest flat roof solar installations - predicted to reduce the carbon footprint of the UK business by more than 20%. The Press continues to work closely with the wider University of Cambridge and partners to ensure long-term commitment to environmental sustainability.

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Admitting practices of junior doctors may be behind ‘weekend effect’ in hospitals, study suggests


The 'weekend effect' of increased hospital mortality has been well documented, including a 2015 study linking this to 11,000 extra UK deaths annually, which led to controversial contract changes for junior doctors as the UK government sought a “seven-day” National Health Service.

But the underlying causes have been poorly understood: are hospitals really less safe on weekends or do other factors lead to a comparison-skewing weekday reduction of the risk of mortality?

A new study led by University of Cambridge researchers, based on nearly 425,000 emergency department attendances over seven years at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, confirms the weekend effect. This appears to be because junior doctors are more likely to admit patients with lower mortality risk during the week. The results are reported in the Emergency Medicine Journal.

The research found that junior doctors (qualified doctors still in training) based in the emergency department admitted less-sick patients at half the rate at weekends compared to weekdays, diluting the risk pool of weekday mortality and contributing to the weekend effect.

In contrast, the admitting patterns of senior doctors was the same on weekends and weekdays, and the data did not provide evidence of a weekend effect among patients admitted by senior doctors.

The researchers found that the weekend effect was associated with seniority of the physician working in the emergency department, that the case-mix of patients at the weekend was of a higher acuity and that junior doctors admitted fewer standard patients at the weekend than on weekdays.

“There has been previous research on how physician-level factors influence patient care, but our study instead focuses specifically on how seniority affects admitting patterns and in turn how this relates to the weekend effect,” said co-author Stefan Scholtes, Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management at Cambridge Judge Business School. “It’s clear that the admitting patterns of junior doctors changes at the weekend.”

In a commentary about the new study, also published in Emergency Medicine Journal, the President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Dr Katherine Henderson, said the study had “given us a lot to think about” – describing as “surprising” the finding that junior doctors admitted more relatively well patients on weekdays.

“The NHS needs to use its resources as effectively as possible,” she wrote. “We should only admit patients who need to be admitted. This paper suggests it would be a good idea to make sure we are using our senior decision makers where they can be most valuable – seeing sick patients and actively evaluating all borderline admission/discharge decisions.”

The study is co-authored by Larry Han of Cambridge Judge Business School and Harvard University’s Department of Biostatistics; Jason Fine of the University of North Carolina; Susan M. Robinson and Adrian A. Boyle of the Emergency Department at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Michael Freeman of Cambridge Judge Business School and INSEAD Singapore; and Stefan Scholtes of Cambridge Judge Business School.

Larry Han et al. 'Is seniority of emergency physician associated with the weekend mortality effect? An exploratory analysis of electronic health records in the UK.' Emergency Medicine Journal (2019). DOI: 10.1136/emermed-2018-208114

Study links the ‘weekend effect’ of increased hospital mortality to junior doctors admitting a lower proportion of healthy patients at the weekend compared to weekdays.

It’s clear that the admitting behaviour of junior doctors changes at the weekend
Stefan Scholtes
Ambulance blur 7893

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The text in this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Images, including our videos, are Copyright ©University of Cambridge and licensors/contributors as identified.  All rights reserved. We make our image and video content available in a number of ways – as here, on our main website under its Terms and conditions, and on a range of channels including social media that permit your use and sharing of our content under their respective Terms.


Women in STEM: Vidhi Lalchand



I was the first international doctoral student to be funded by the Turing Institute,the UK’s national institute for artificial intelligence and data science. I’m currently pursuing my PhD in probabilistic machine learning; my research interests include Gaussian processes and their applications to contemporary physical sciences like collider physics and astronomy. Before coming back to school in 2016, I was a quantitative high-frequency trader at Citadel LLC, a Chicago-based hedge fund.

I had a ‘tiger mother’ who believed mathematical proficiency was sine qua non for success in real life. Growing up in Madras, school was super competitive and you had to be really good to stand out. I remember being quite good at math and shying away from the humanities. It is interesting how some things don’t change!

I worked in the City for five years before coming back to school at Cambridge. While my job provided scope for mathematical work, it was an intellectual straitjacket. I missed the undercurrents and freedom of academia. Upon receiving my offer letter and to the astonishment of friends, family & my boss at the time, I reluctantly left the bourgeois trappings of London finance. Looking back I can connect the dots but it seemed like an abrupt transition then.

Machine learning is frequently confused with automation: it can be used to achieve automation but is not the same thing. It can be used for making predictions or decisions but that is the end result of the learning process, and should not be confused with the conceptual meaning of a learning algorithm. For instance, if the task is to cluster particle decay signatures into groups which share similar properties, you could either set out to do it by specifying in a computer program how exactly to look for them and how many to look for in an explicit instruction set – this would be classical programming, or, you could use a learning algorithm that encodes a certain belief about what constitutes a cluster and when it encounters data in a process called ‘training’, it develops the ability to identify them without an explicit instruction set. The former is deeply limited in its ability to discover complex structure encountered in real-world data and the latter is paradigm defying and powerful.

My research is specifically in Bayesian non-parametrics, a subfield of machine learning that allows a user to stipulate a prediction in terms of a probability distribution rather than a point estimate, providing a sense of confidence in the predictions. The model’s complexity is dynamically calibrated as it sees more data. For example, in the clustering task, new clusters would be created on the fly if more data comes in which does not fit any of the existing clusters.

Modern machine learning has the ability to transform the physical sciences. The intuitive and (often) deterministic models of systems are being replaced by abstract models of 'data'. In high energy physics, for instance, the discovery of new and exotic particles is largely a statistical problem. Machine learning is often the chosen framework to parse large volumes of high dimensional data with the aim of capturing a hidden or latent structure that would evade classical analysis. Machine learning is becoming the lynchpin rather than something ancillary to the scientific process. I think scientists everywhere are waking up to this.

I feel completely at home in Cambridge, both the city and the institution. I’ve had a great experience as a graduate student; what I like most is there are very few rules. For the most part, you can define your own pace and own work sometimes crisscrossing different departments. The opportunities for learning are limitless, I frequently attend undergraduate lectures, sometimes just to relearn things. One can embrace College life as little and or as much as one wishes to. I have two supervisors: Dr Chris Lester is a high energy physicist who introduced me to the world of collider physics; a field prime for machine learning. Professor Carl Rasmussen is a world-leading expert on Gaussian processes, I sometimes forget how much of a privilege it is to be working with him.

Science isn’t formulaic like other professions, there is something more to it than sheer hard work. You have to really love it and embrace it without fear. Setbacks and failure are par for the course, but nothing is permanent. The point is to keep moving forward even if we are far from where we want to be.

I enjoy science because it refines how I think about everything else. When you are a researcher, some of the traits that come with performing research tend to permeate many other aspects of your life. On the whole, that is a positive thing. You also tend to get comfortable with complexity and abstraction, where most people would run away from it.

It’s true that women face an uphill battle: there are entrenched social norms and they have to resist the urge to quit because they believe they can’t compete or will never acquire the skills fast enough. That is a fallacy. Many people ask me if I face invisible or unconscious prejudice because of my gender or race. I do not know the answer to this and I choose not to carry that burden. I have embraced life in Britain because I believe in its meritocracy, but I know that we all have our struggles, and they can’t be conquered overnight. I won’t compromise on what I love to do because fewer women choose to do it or out of the fear that it is not an even playing field. I like the words of Indra Nooyi - “when you love something - throw your head, heart and hands into it. Be so brilliant that you cannot be ignored. There is no other way.

You can follow her on Twitter @VRLalchand

Vidhi is a PhD candidate at the Cavendish Laboratory, a Turing Scholar, and a member of Christ’s College. Here, she tells us about growing up in Madras, her research in machine learning and leaving the world of finance for academia.

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GP clinics could help bridge mental health treatment gap, study finds


The research was based on a trial in Indonesia, where patients often do not get the treatment they need due to a shortage of practitioners. The team at the Cambridge Institute of Public Health say the findings are also relevant to the UK and any other country with a long waiting time for mental health appointments and a growing globalised clientele, as it opens up alternative pathways of care.

In many countries, there is a ‘treatment gap’ for mental health issues, caused in part by a confluence of the lack of mental health professionals and the social stigma attached to seeking help. While the median worldwide treatment gap for psychosis is 32% - meaning that almost in one three people with psychosis do not receive treatment - in low and middle-income countries it is estimated to be almost three times higher, above 90%.

Experts have argued that one way of bridging this gap would be to integrate mental health care into primary care, such as GP practices. Recent research confirmed that primary care clinics are the first port-of-call for most people with mental health problems. However, diagnosing mental health problems in primary care is difficult for several reasons, including time constraints during consultations, lack of mental health expertise and problems with referrals.

In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme to support countries in scaling up services for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders, with a free online Intervention Guide and Training Manual. In 2015, the Indonesian Ministry of Health introduced the programme to selected pairs of GPs and nurses at its network of community health centres, with the aim to rolling it out nationally.

Researchers at the Cambridge Institute of Public Health carried out a study to evaluate the effectiveness of this programme in Indonesia. 153 patients completed treatment at 14 primary care clinics that had received the WHO training, while 141 patients at 14 other clinics received treatment from specialist clinical psychologists co-located in primary care. The findings are published today in PLOS ONE.

Dr Sabrina Anjara, a Gates Cambridge Scholar who carried out the research while at the University of Cambridge, said: “Mental health care provided by a GP proved to be just as effective for mild to moderate conditions as care by a specialist, such as a clinical psychologist. GPs also helped large proportions of participants go into remission.”

Both groups experienced a similar improvement in health and social functioning, quality of life, and disability reduction at the six-month follow-up. A large proportion of participants from both study arms were considered in remission (152 from GP clinics, 134 from the specialist arm of the trial). The improvement was quantified using the Health of Nations Outcome Scale, the European Quality of Life Scale and the WHO disability assessment schedule.

To directly inform policy decisions, the researchers conducted an economic analysis. Its results suggested that the cost of treatment from specialist services was lower on average, despite their patients experiencing similar improvements in symptoms as GP patients.

Dr Anjara added: “Not only were GPs able to manage mental health problems, but patients were more likely to return to see them for follow-up treatments. However, GP workload needs to be considered alongside the cost-effectiveness of various options. We found follow-up appointments with a clinical psychologist to cost the Indonesian health system less, so the co-location of specialist mental health professionals in primary care may be a more feasible option in the long run.”

The researchers say that the findings provide potential learning points for other countries, which may not be considered low and middle-income countries, but have similarly limited resources for mental health services due to a structural imbalance of supply and demand. In the UK, for example, the British Medical Association found in 2018 that the waiting time for a clinical psychology appointment surpassed two years in some NHS trusts.

“NHS England has committed to transform mental health services and also plans to recruit mental health therapists to be integrated into primary care settings such as GP practices,” said Dr Tine Van Bortel, senior author and supervisor from the Cambridge Institute of Public Health.

“This transformation aims to put mental health services on an equal footing with physical healthcare. Nine out of 10 adults with mental health problems seek help in primary care settings, and the transformation of mental health service delivery model will also strengthen the primary care and its workforce which will be able to offer a broader range of services for patients.”

“If GP practices provided mental health treatment for those with mild to moderate conditions, the waiting list for specialist services would reduce considerably,” said Dr Anjara, who is now based at University College Dublin. “In addition, getting treatment from their GP is less stigmatising, which will also lead to better continuity of care. Early intervention is key in reducing the economic and societal burden of mental health.”

In addition to fieldwork funding from the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, School of Biological Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology and the Cambridge Philosophical Society, this research was supported by crowdfunding.

Anjara, SG et al. Can General Practitioners manage mental disorders in primary care? A partially randomised, pragmatic, cluster trial. PLOS ONE; 7 Nov 2019; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224724

Patients experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues could be managed effectively by GP practices, suggests new research from the University of Cambridge. This could also help reduce the stigma faced by these individuals. However, specialist treatment may still prove more cost-effective in the long term, say the researchers.

Mental health care provided by a GP proved to be just as effective for mild to moderate conditions as care by a specialist
Sabrina Anjara
Indonesian man

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Ambitious project launched to map genomes of all life in British Isles

Liverwort (Pellia epiphylla)

The £9.4m funding will support a collaboration of ten research institutes, museums and associated organisations to launch the first phase of sequencing all the species on the British Isles. This will see the teams collect and ‘barcode’ around 8000 key British species of animal, plant and fungi, and deliver high-quality genomes of 2000 species. 

Exploring the genomes – the entire DNA - of these species will give an unprecedented insight into how life on Earth evolved. It will uncover new genes, proteins and metabolic pathways to help develop drugs for infectious and inherited diseases. 

At a time when many species are under threat from climate change and human development, the data will also help characterise, catalogue and support conservation of global biodiversity for future generations.

“This project is the start of a transformation for biological research. It will change our relationship to the natural world by enabling us to understand life as never before,” said Professor Richard Durbin in Cambridge University’s Department of Genetics, who will lead the University’s involvement in the collaboration. “It will create a knowledge resource for others to build on, just as we’ve seen with the Human Genome Project for human health.”

From the small fraction of the Earth’s species that have been sequenced, enormous advances have been made in knowledge and biomedicine. From plants, a number of lifesaving drugs have been discovered and are now being created in the lab – such as artemisinin for malaria and taxol for cancer.

Assembling the full genetic barcode of each species from the millions of genetic fragments generated in the sequencing process will rely on the University of Cambridge’s expertise in computational analysis. 

“Genome assembly is like doing a very complicated jigsaw puzzle. The genome revolution is all about information, and our ability to put the sequencing data together is based on cutting-edge computing techniques,” said Dr Shane McCarthy at the University of Cambridge, who will work on the project with Professor Durbin. 

The project will identify and collect specimens that will include plants from the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. It will set up new pipelines and workflows to process large numbers of species through DNA preparation, sequencing, assembly, gene finding and annotation. New methods will be developed for high-throughput and high-quality assembly of genomes and their annotation, and data will be shared openly through existing data sharing archives and project specific portals.

The 10 institutes involved in the project are: 

• University of Cambridge 
• Earlham Institute (EI)
• University of Edinburgh
• EMBL’s-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
• The Marine Biological Association (Plymouth) 
• Natural History Museum
• Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
• Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
• University of Oxford
• Wellcome Sanger Institute

The consortium ultimately aims to sequence the genetic code of 60,000 species that live in the British Isles. Its work will act as a launchpad for a larger ambition to sequence all species on Earth, as part of the Earth Biogenome Project

Dr Michael Dunn, Head of Genetics and Molecular Sciences at Wellcome, said, “The mission to sequence all life on the British Isles is ambitious, but by bringing together this diverse group of organisations we believe that we have the right team to achieve it. We’ll gain new insights into nature that will help develop new treatments for infectious diseases, identify drugs to slow ageing, generate new approaches to feeding the world and create new bio-materials.”

Adapted from a press release by Wellcome.

An unprecedented insight into the diverse range of species on the British Isles will be made possible by Wellcome funding to the Darwin Tree of Life project.

This project is the start of a transformation for biological research.
Richard Durbin
Liverwort (Pellia epiphylla)

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‘Messy’ production of perovskite material increases solar cell efficiency


Scientists at the University of Cambridge studying perovskite materials for next-generation solar cells and flexible LEDs have discovered that they can be more efficient when their chemical compositions are less ordered, vastly simplifying production processes and lowering cost.

The surprising findings, published in Nature Photonics, are the result of a collaborative project, led by Dr Felix Deschler and Dr Sam Stranks.

The most commonly used material for producing solar panels is crystalline silicon, but to achieve efficient energy conversion requires an expensive and time-consuming production process. The silicon material needs to have a highly ordered wafer structure and is very sensitive to any impurities, such as dust, so has to be made in a cleanroom.

In the last decade, perovskite materials have emerged as promising alternatives.

The lead salts used to make them are much more abundant and cheaper to produce than crystalline silicon, and they can be prepared in a liquid ink that is simply printed to produce a film of the material.

The components used to make the perovskite can be changed to give the materials different colours and structural properties, for example, making the films emit different colours or collect sunlight more efficiently.

You only need a very thin film of this perovskite material – around one thousand times thinner than a human hair – to achieve similar efficiencies to the silicon wafers currently used, opening up the possibility of incorporating them into windows or flexible, ultra-lightweight smartphone screens.

“This is the new class of semiconductors that could actually revolutionise all these technologies,” said Sascha Feldmann, a PhD student at Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory.

“These materials show very efficient emission when you excite them with energy sources like light or apply a voltage to run an LED.

“This is really useful but it remained unclear why these materials that we process in our labs so much more crudely than these clean-room, high-purity silicon wafers, are performing so well.”

Scientists had assumed that, like with silicon materials, the more ordered they could make the materials, the more efficient they would be. But Feldmann and his co-lead author Stuart MacPherson were surprised to find the opposite to be true. 

“The discovery was a big surprise really,” said Deschler, who is now leading an Emmy-Noether research group at TU Munich. “We do a lot of spectroscopy to explore the working mechanisms of our materials, and were wondering why these really quite chemically messy films were performing so exceptionally well.”

“It was fascinating to see how much light we could get from these materials in a scenario where we’d expect them to be quite dark,” said MacPherson, a PhD student in the Cavendish Laboratory. “Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised considering that perovskites have re-written the rule book on performance in the presence of defects and disorder.”

The researchers discovered that their rough, multi-component alloyed preparations were actually improving the efficiency of the materials by creating lots of areas with different compositions that could trap the energised charge carriers, either from sunlight in a solar cell, or an electrical current in an LED.

“It is actually because of this crude processing and subsequent de-mixing of the chemical components that you create these valleys and mountains in energy that charges can funnel down and concentrate in,” said Feldmann. “This makes them easier to extract for your solar cell, and it’s more efficient to produce light from these hotspots in an LED.”

Their findings could have a huge impact on the manufacturing success of these materials.

“Companies looking to make bigger fabrication lines for perovskites have been trying to solve the problem of how to make the films more homogenous, but now we can show them that actually a simple inkjet printing process could do a better job,” said Feldmann. “The beauty of the study really lies in the counterintuitive discovery that easy to make does not mean the material will be worse, but can actually be better.”

“It is now an exciting challenge to find fabrication conditions which create the optimum disorder in the materials to achieve maximum efficiency, while still retaining the structural properties needed for specific applications,” said Deschler.

“If we can learn to control the disorder even more precisely, we could expect further LED or solar cell performance improvements – and even push well beyond silicon with tailored tandem solar cells comprising two different colour perovskite layers that together can harvest even more power from the sun than one layer alone,” said Dr Sam Stranks, University Lecturer in Energy at the Cambridge Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and the Cavendish Laboratory.

Another limitation of perovskite materials is their sensitivity to moisture, so the groups are also investigating ways to improve their stability.

“There’s still work to do to make them last on rooftops the way silicon can – but I’m optimistic,” said Stranks.

Sascha Feldmann et al. ‘
Photodoping through local charge carrier accumulation in alloyed hybrid perovskites for highly efficient luminescence.’ Nature Photonics (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41566-019-0546-8

A bold response to the world’s greatest challenge
The University of Cambridge is building on its existing research and launching an ambitious new environment and climate change initiative. Cambridge Zero is not just about developing greener technologies. It will harness the full power of the University’s research and policy expertise, developing solutions that work for our lives, our society and our biosphere.

Discovery means simpler and cheaper manufacturing methods are actually beneficial for the material’s use in next-generation solar cells or LED lighting.

The beauty of the study really lies in the counterintuitive discovery that easy to make does not mean the material will be worse, but can actually be better
Sascha Feldmann
Artist's impression of perovskite structures

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Visualising heat flow in bamboo could help design more energy-efficient and fire-safe buildings


The building sector currently accounts for 30-40% of all carbon emissions, due to both the energy-intensive production of the materials (predominantly steel and concrete), and the energy used in heating and cooling the finished buildings. As the global population grows and becomes increasingly based in towns and cities, traditional building approaches are becoming unsustainable. 

Renewable, plant-based materials such as bamboo have huge potential for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. Their use would dramatically reduce emissions compared to traditional materials, helping to mitigate the human impact on climate change. This approach would also help keep carbon out of the atmosphere by diverting timber away from being burnt as fuel. 

The study involved scanning cross-sections of bamboo vascular tissue, the tissue that transports fluid and nutrients within the plant. The resulting images revealed an intricate fibre structure with alternating layers of thick and thin cell walls. Peaks of thermal conductivity within the bamboo structure coincide with the thicker walls, where chains of cellulose – the basic structural component of plant cell walls – are laid down almost parallel to the plant stem. These thicker layers also give bamboo its strength and stiffness. In contrast, the thinner cell walls have lower thermal conductivity due to cellulose chains being almost at a right angle to the plant stem. 

“Nature is an amazing architect. Bamboo is structured in a really clever way,” said Darshil Shah, a researcher in Cambridge University’s Department of Architecture, who led the study. “It grows by one millimetre every ninety seconds, making it one of the fastest growing plant materials. Through the images we collected, we can see that it does this by generating a naturally cross-laminated fibre structure.”

While much research has been done on the cell structure of bamboo in relation to its mechanical properties, almost none has looked at how cell structure affects the thermal properties of the material. The amount of heating and cooling required in buildings is fundamentally related to the properties of the materials they are made from, particularly how much heat they conduct and store.

A better understanding of the thermal properties of bamboo provides insights into how to reduce the energy consumption of bamboo buildings. It also enables modelling of the way bamboo building components behave when exposed to fire, so that measures can be incorporated to make bamboo buildings safer. 

“People may worry about fire safety of bamboo buildings,” said Shah. “To address this properly we have to understand the thermal properties of the building material. Through our work we can see that heat travels along the structure-supporting thick cell wall fibres in bamboo, so if exposed to the heat of a fire the bamboo might soften more quickly in the direction of those fibres. This helps us work out how to reinforce the building appropriately.” 

At present, products such as laminated bamboo are most commonly used as flooring materials due to their hardness and durability. However, their stiffness and strength is comparable to engineered wood products, making them suitable for structural uses as well. “Cross-laminated timber is a popular choice of timber construction material. It’s made by gluing together layers of sawn timber, each at a right angle to the layer below,” said Shah. “Seeing this as a natural structure in bamboo fibres is inspiration for the development of better building products.”

The team of researchers, from the University of Cambridge and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, also plans to look at what happens to heat flow in bamboo when its surface is burned and forms char. The use of scanning thermal microscopy to visualise the intricate make-up of plants could also be useful in other areas of research, such as understanding how micro-structural changes in crop stems may cause them to fall over in the fields resulting in lost harvests.

Shah is a member of the University of Cambridge’s interdisciplinary Centre for Natural Material Innovation, which aims to advance the use of timber in construction by modifying the tissue-scale properties of wood to make it more reliable under changing environmental conditions. 

The research was funded by the Leverhulme Trust, the Austrian Science Fund and the Lower Austrian Research and Education Society. 

Shah, D.et al: “Mapping thermal conductivity across bamboo cell walls with scanning thermal microscopy.” Scientific Reports (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53079-4



Modified natural materials will be an essential component of a sustainable future, but first a detailed understanding of their properties is needed. The way heat flows across bamboo cell walls has been mapped using advanced scanning thermal microscopy, providing a new understanding of how variations in thermal conductivity are linked to the bamboo’s elegant structure. The findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, will guide the development of more energy-efficient and fire-safe buildings, made from natural materials, in the future. 

Nature is an amazing architect. Bamboo is structured in a really clever way.
Darshil Shah
Researcher profile: Dr Darshil Shah


Dr Darshil Shah is a Lecturer in the Department of Architecture who loves nature. “Nature is the master creator and architect!” he says. “My research is focused on how we can better use our natural resources to produce sustainable materials, which can be used in high-end and high-performance applications.”

He studied Mechanical Engineering with Mathematics at the University of Nottingham, where a summer internship sparked his interest in real-world design.

“As an undergraduate student I had a fantastic opportunity to work on the design and manufacture of a five kilowatt wind turbine for the campus,” says Shah. “The day we installed it was so exciting. It made me realise the impact my work could have, and the importance of joining together fundamental and applied research.”

Shah’s subsequent PhD, on the low-cost manufacture of wind turbine blades for small-scale turbines, led him to think about using greener materials to avoid the blades ending up in landfill at the end of their life. He also spent time in Oxford University’s Silk Group, where he learned about natural materials.

“My time at Oxford plunged me into a whole new world. I started thinking about how our materials and built environment could be informed and inspired by the natural world – from the beautiful silk threads and webs of spiders and silkworms, to the magnificent ivory tusks of elephants,” he says.

In Cambridge, Shah is exploring how to use a wide range of virgin and waste bioresources, such as timber, bamboo and waste date palm fibres, to help create sustainable products - from buildings to boats. 

“At the fundamental level I’m exploring natural materials and structures for inspiration,” he says. “At the applied level, I’m working with industry to optimise materials for various sectors, from construction to transport.”

Shah believes that breaking boundaries between disciplines, particularly arts and humanities, and science and technology, is the only way to truly tackle some of the global challenges we face. 

“Cambridge has a rich mix of brilliant researchers, thinkers and doers,” he says. “I’ve made connections in so many different departments, and had the chance to work on a fantastic variety of projects that I don’t think would have been possible anywhere else.”

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Women in STEM: Dr Stephanie Höhn


I work in an interdisciplinary research group including biologists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers. I path to this stage of my career was a little off the beaten track. Before my academic career, I worked as a legal clerk. This provided me with life experience but, seeking more intellectual diversity, I decided at the age of 25 to leave the safety of my job and to study molecular cell biology at Bielefeld University in Germany.

My biology teacher inspired me by going beyond the curriculum and discussing recent discoveries in life sciences with me. I wanted to contribute to increasing our knowledge of the incredible microcosmos of cells and their countless functions in life.

I took a leap of faith at the start of my postdoctoral career. I joined a biophysics group at Cambridge and started engaging with scientific methods that were well outside of my comfort zone at first. The effort required on both sides to communicate across disciplines has been worth it, though. I am now combining mathematical analyses and computational simulations with advanced imaging techniques. This combination enables me to provide missing puzzle pieces to explain how cells manage to self-assemble into functional organs and tissues.

I think it’s important to keep an open mind and consider changes as opportunities. Whichever path you choose to pursue next, you can always change directions, add and combine different fields. Network with people with different backgrounds: discussing things from different angles can be very motivating.

An entirely new world of opportunities opened up to me when I learned how concepts from physics and mathematics can explain the development of living organisms. When observing a growing organism, one naturally wonders how each of the cells ‘knows’ where to go and what to do. It turns out that often very few parameters can lead to very complicated patterns, and it’s interesting looking for equations that explain how these parameters interact.

My work sets out to reveal how cells generate forces that shape developing tissues. When an embryo develops, its cells move and change their shape in an astoundingly coordinated way to form tissues and organs. Errors in this self-organisation can lead to severe birth defects. Many tissues, including our retina, are formed through the folding of cell sheets, like a sheet of paper can be folded into different shapes.

I am using a fascinating and beautiful model organism called Volvox to study how these folding events work. This aquatic micro-organism is almost entirely transparent which allows me to observe the development of its embryos microscopically. Amazingly, its spherical embryos fold in a way that literally turns them inside out. This peculiar process is a normal part of Volvox development and gives me the chance to study the fundamental mechanisms that can cause a cell sheet to fold.

I am using a custom-built microscope to observe this process through time-lapse recordings. I also measure the physical forces in different regions of the cell sheet to reveal which parts are being pulled or pushed into a new shape. I use computer-generated simulations to test my hypotheses on which cells are actively forming the tissue and which ones are just being pushed around by others. Determining the location and mechanical properties of cells that actively shape a tissue might help us in the future to diagnose and find remedies for associated birth defects.

Day-to-day, I could be doing any number of things. My work involves growing model organisms in little water tanks; staring at and recording time-lapse videos of developing organisms with different microscopy techniques and designing optical devices to improve imaging. I also write code for image processing and analysis, process microscopy images and videos with specialised software, and measure shape changes of cells and tissues. I run computer simulations of folding cell sheets and compare them to microscopic observations, measure physical forces in developing tissues, and supervise students.

One of the most exciting days for me was when I managed to visualise the three dimensional shape changes of living Volvox embryos for the first time with our self-built microscope. It was really great to have overcome all the challenges that led up to this. It was then that I realised the potential these under-studied organisms possess to help us understand our own development.

I can be the first person in the world to see so-far unknown microscopic worlds, every time I observe a new species, a new developmental stage or try a different microscopy technique. These are very special moments even before sharing my new findings with the scientific and non-scientific community. A key moment for me was when I started discussing my biological questions with physicists and mathematicians. It was a real eye-opener to see their different perspectives and approaches towards similar questions. It really made me aware of the power of interdisciplinary work.

There are supportive networks for women in STEM in Cambridge. These include, for example; CamAWiSE and the Emmy Noether Society for Women in Mathematics. There are also opportunities for outreach work, such as The Science Festival, the Plant Festival, Open Days and seminars that are open to the public. The University also provides ample opportunities to network with international scientists through local conferences and seminar series in inter-disciplinary fields relevant to my research (e.g. Physics of Living Matter Symposium, the Physics Meets Biology Conference, Building an Organisms Symposium, Evolution and Development seminar series). There are many imaging facilities and networks for imaging facilities (e.g. Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre, CRUK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre).

Dr Stephanie Höhn is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and a member of Trinity Hall. Here, she tells us about her unusual path to an academic career, the advantages of being a biologist in a mathematics department, and how an organism that can turn itself inside out might one day help us prevent certain birth defects.

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Hitachi and Cambridge renew 30 year research partnership


The relationship will build on the 30-year partnership established with the University through the Cavendish Laboratory, home of the University’s Department of Physics, and will pursue deep science leading to the development of cutting-edge technology to develop a practical quantum computer.

The collaborative activity between HCL and the Cavendish Laboratory, which began in 1989 to create new concept advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices, has resulted in technology milestones such as the demonstration of the world’s first single-electron memory device, the first single-electron logic device, measurement of the Spin-Hall effect and one of the first silicon qubit devices, the Spin-injection Hall effect, and a prototype Spin-Hall effect transistor. A part of such works led to the development of major activity on quantum computation.

Today, the development of an ecosystem in this area covering activities across the University, as well as companies in the Cambridge cluster – the largest technology cluster in Europe – is a central priority for HCL.

Under the terms of the new agreement, HCL will carry out next-generation computing research with the Cavendish Laboratory in addition to ongoing fundamental research, and the partnership will continue at the Ray Dolby Centre, the new home of the Cavendish Laboratory, due to open in 2022.

The new home of the Cavendish will operate as a National Facility for the UK physics community and its industrial partners. Hitachi and the University have agreed that the Ray Dolby Centre will be the ideal home for HCL.

University researchers pursue world-leading research ranging from new devices to algorithms for next-generation computers such as quantum computers, which are exponentially faster than classical computers, revolutionising fields as diverse as cryptography and drug discovery.

Professor Andy Parker, Head of the Cavendish Laboratory said: “HCL and the Cavendish have operated as partners for three decades, producing world-leading results and enabling great new products to be developed. We are proud that Hitachi have chosen to continue our partnership in our new facility and look forward to many more years of outstanding results.”

“Working with the Cavendish Laboratory and research partners, we have made significant advances in Si-based quantum devices over the last few years,” said Dr Masakatsu Mori, CTO of Hitachi Europe Ltd. “The next step towards a practical quantum computer based on this technology will be to extend the research beyond the device to computer science, to include architecture and systems consideration. We are excited to be moving forward together with the University of Cambridge in this new endeavour.”

“HCL and the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge have built a strong and successful collaboration over the past 30 years,” said Professor David Cardwell, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Strategy and Planning, who signed the MoU on behalf of the University. “This new phase of the collaboration creates an important opportunity for HCL to expand and extend its network throughout the University and its many collaborators that support our joint vision for the future. The Cavendish III development aims to be the best research centre for physics in the world and this ambitious project represents an excellent opportunity for HCL to continue its substantial collaboration with the University of Cambridge.”

“We are proud of the relationship that has grown over the last 30 years with the University of Cambridge,” said Dr Norihiro Suzuki, Vice President and Executive Officer, and CTO of Hitachi. “By building on this valuable partnership, the best minds in academia and industry will become part of an innovation ecosystem ensuring that the fruits of the research have true value and contribute to a better society.”

The Ray Dolby Centre is named in recognition of an £85 million gift from the estate of sound pioneer Ray Dolby – the largest philanthropic donation ever made to UK science.

In addition to the Dolby gift, the new Cavendish Laboratory is being made possible by £75 million of funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The project, which is expected to be completed in 2022, will help strengthen the University’s position as a leading site for physics research and will provide a top-class facility for the nation, with much of the research equipment made available to other institutions.

The University of Cambridge and Hitachi Ltd have signed a new agreement to continue and grow their long-standing relationship through the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory (HCL), part of the European R&D Centre of Hitachi Europe Ltd.

The Cavendish III development aims to be the best research centre for physics in the world and this ambitious project represents an excellent opportunity for HCL to continue its substantial collaboration with the University of Cambridge
David Cardwell

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Sir David Attenborough: "Our planet hangs in the balance"


“It might seem like an obvious thing to say but we need to keep saying it: our planet is precious.

It provides the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink. You have only to take a walk through a forest and look up at its canopy to see the outstanding beauty and complexity of ecosystems. Pause in the stillness among the trees and contemplate what is surrounding you: it’s mind-blowing.

But, rather than cherish this planet – our home – we have too often treated it with contempt. Today, as a consequence, we face disaster on a global scale.

Everywhere we look, we see how ecosystems are threatened. The most striking illustration of climate change that I have seen is seared on my memory: the first time I saw a dead coral reef. It had actually bleached. Where once it had been full of hundreds of species, it was like a cemetery.

A few decades ago, the idea that humans could change the climate of our planet was unthinkable. Now this is incontrovertible and we are talking about the risk of irreparable damage. Rising temperatures mean parts of the planet are becoming uninhabitable. Species less able to adapt to rapid changes will be wiped out. Famine will lead to forced migrations. There will be major upsets in natural boundaries, leading to social unrest.

Fortunately, we are now better informed about the state of the world than ever before. We’ve seen a worldwide protest movement grow, led by young people afraid for their future and the future of their planet. We must listen to them. We must respond. We must act – and act now.

We’ve seen before what can be done. When scientists identified the cause of a catastrophic hole in the ozone layer, the world acted. We saw global leaders listening to scientific evidence and taking action.

The climate crisis is a much larger problem, but if we can all pull together, I believe we can solve it. What each one of us does in the next few years will determine what happens in the next few thousand years. There is hope if we all – every single one of us – take our share of responsibility for life on Earth.

Those in power can influence change. And those with knowledge and the ability to innovate can provide solutions to a great number of problems. 

I have had the honour of being part of the Cambridge Conservation Initiative from its inception 12 years ago. I’ve seen what can be achieved when great talent is combined with great ambition: bringing together leaders in research, practice, policy and teaching gives us the greatest chance of developing the solutions required to save our planet.

In the same way, the new initiative Cambridge Zero will be vital. Combining expertise, from science and technology to law and policy to artificial intelligence and engineering, Cambridge Zero will help drive a vision for a carbon neutral future.

It’s a source of comfort to me that people are recognising that their world is at stake, that the ocean is not infinitely full of food, that the ground is not infinitely full of minerals, that life on Earth is not impervious to the damage we cause.

Our planet hangs in the balance. The only way to operate is to believe we can do something about it, and I truly believe we can.”

Broadcaster Sir David Attenborough’s documentaries have brought the wonders of the natural world to our screens – from the splendours of terrestrial life, to the otherworldly underwater kingdoms and the frozen ends of the Earth – but they also increasingly show our planet’s fragility in the face of habitat destruction and climate change. He is an alumnus of Clare College and has given his name to the campus of the Cambridge Conservation Initiative – the largest cluster of biodiversity conservation organisations on the planet.

Read more about our research linked with Sustainable Earth in the University's research magazine; download a pdf; view on Issuu.

Forests burn, glaciers melt and one million species face extinction. Can we humans save the planet from ourselves? Here, Sir David Attenborough speaks to us about the climate crisis and his hopes for the future. His words begin our new focus on Sustainable Earth, looking at how we transition to a carbon zero future, protect the planet's resources, reduce waste and build resilience.

Those in power can influence change. And those with knowledge and the ability to innovate can provide solutions to a great number of problems.
Sir David Attenborough
Sir David Attenborough

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Saving ‘Half-Earth’ for nature would affect over a billion people


As the extinction crisis escalates, and protest movements grow, some are calling for hugely ambitious conservation targets. Among the most prominent is sparing 50% of the Earth’s surface for nature.

‘Half-Earth’ and similar proposals have gained traction with conservationists and policy makers. However, little work has gone into identifying the social and economic implications for people.

Now, researchers have produced the first attempt to assess how many and who would be affected if half the planet was ‘saved’ in a way that secures the diversity of the world’s habitats.

A team of scientists analysed global datasets to determine where conservation status could be added to provide 50% protection to every “ecoregion”: large areas of distinct habitats such as Central African mangroves and Baltic mixed forests. 

Even avoiding where possible “human footprints” such as cities and farmland, their findings suggest a “conservative” estimate for those directly affected by Half Earth would be over one billion people, primarily in middle-income countries.

Many wealthy and densely populated nations in the Global North would also need to see major expansions of land with conservation status to reach 50% – this could even include parts of London, for example.

The study’s authors, led by University of Cambridge researchers, say that while radical action is urgently required for the future of life on Earth, issues of environmental justice and human wellbeing should be at the forefront of the conservation movement.

“People are the cause of the extinction crisis, but they are also the solution,” said Dr Judith Schleicher, who led the new study, published today in the journal Nature Sustainability. “Social issues must play a more prominent role if we want to deliver effective conservation that works for both the biosphere and the people who inhabit it.”

Towards the end of next year, the leaders of most of the world’s nations will aim to agree global targets for the future of conservation at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Beijing.

“Goals that emerge from the Convention on Biological Diversity could define conservation for a generation,” said Schleicher, who conducted the research while at the University of Cambridge’s Conservation Research Institute and its Department of Geography.  

“We need to be ambitious given the environmental crises. But it is vital that social and economic implications at local levels are considered if the drivers of biodiversity loss are to be tackled. The lives of many people and the existence of diverse species hang in the balance.” 

The idea of a ‘Half-Earth’ for nature was popularised by famed biologist E.O. Wilson in his 2017 book of the same name. More recently, a ‘Global Deal for Nature’ – aiming for 30% protection by 2030 and 50% by 2050 – has been endorsed by a number of leading environmental organisations. However, these proposals have been ambiguous about “exact forms and location”, say Schleicher and colleagues. 

Based on their analyses, researchers cautiously estimate that an additional 760 million people would find themselves living in areas with new conservation status: a fourfold increase of the 247 million who currently reside inside protected areas.

The team call for proponents of Half-Earth, and all supporters of area-based conservation, to “recognise and take seriously” the human consequences – both negative and positive – of their proposals.   

“Living in areas rich in natural habitat can boost mental health and wellbeing. In some cases, protected areas can provide new jobs and income through ecotourism and sustainable production,” said Schleicher.

“However, at the other extreme, certain forms of ‘fortress’ conservation can see people displaced from their ancestral home and denied access to resources they rely on for their survival.”

While conservation coverage has been increasing, species numbers continue to plummet – suggesting a “disconnect” between international targets and implementation at local and regional levels, argue the team. 

“Conservation needs strong action to protect life on earth, but this must be done in a way that takes account of people and their needs,” said co-author Dr Chris Sandbrook from Cambridge’s Department of Geography.

“Failing to consider social issues will lead to conservation policy that is harmful to human wellbeing and less likely to be implemented in the first place.”    

Conservation is not just a problem for people of the Global South. Recent reports on UK wildlife revealed devastating declines in iconic species. Yet the study reveals that achieving 50% ecoregion coverage could even see parts of central London become protected. “It highlights the absurdity of hitting arbitrary targets,” Sandbrook said.  

Plans to save biodiversity must take into account the social impacts of conservation if they are to succeed, say University of Cambridge researchers.

Goals that emerge from the Convention on Biological Diversity could define conservation for a generation
Judith Schleicher
Protected area

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Climate change could double greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems


Small shallow lakes dominate the world’s freshwater area, and the sediments within them already produce at least one-quarter of all carbon-dioxide, and more than two-thirds of all methane that come from lakes. The new research, published in the journal PNAS, suggests that climate change may cause the levels of greenhouse gases emitted by freshwater northern lakes to increase by between 1.5 and 2.7 times. 

“What we’ve traditionally called ‘carbon’ in freshwater turns out to be a super-diverse mixture of different carbon-based organic molecules,” said Dr Andrew Tanentzap in Cambridge’s Department of Plant Sciences, who led the research. “We’ve been measuring ‘carbon’ in freshwater as a proxy for everything from water quality to the productivity of freshwater ecosystems. Now we’ve realised that it’s the diversity of this invisible world of organic molecules that’s important.”

As the climate warms, vegetation cover is increasing in forests of the northern latitudes. By simulating this effect in two lakes in Ontario, Canada, the study found an increased diversity of organic molecules – molecules containing carbon within their structure – entering the water in the matter shed by nearby plants and trees. 

Organic molecules are a food source for microbes in the lake sediments, which break them down and release carbon dioxide and methane as by-products. Increasing levels of organic molecules can therefore enhance microbial activity and produce more greenhouse gases. 

Since the same microbes can make greenhouse gases from many different organic molecules, the diversity of organic molecules was shown to be more closely linked with levels of greenhouse gas concentrations than the diversity of the microbes. In addition, an elevated diversity of organic molecules may elevate greenhouse gas concentrations in waters because there are more molecules that can be broken down by sunlight penetrating the water. 

To conduct the research, containers were filled with varying ratios of rocks and organic material - consisting of deciduous and coniferous litter from nearby forests - and submerged in the shallow waters of the two lakes. Analysis of the samples two months later, using the techniques of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and next generation DNA sequencing, showed that the diversity of organic molecules was correlated with the diversity of microbial communities in the water, and that the diversity of both increased as the amount of organic matter increased. 

Accurately predicting carbon emissions from natural systems is vital to the reliability of calculations used to understand the pace of climate change, and the effects of a warmer world.

“Climate change will increase forest cover and change species composition, resulting in a greater variety of leaves and plant litter falling into waterways. We found that the resulting increase in the diversity of organic molecules in the water leads to higher greenhouse gas concentrations,” said Tanentzap. “Understanding these connections means we could look at ways to reduce carbon emissions in the future, for example by changing land management practices.”

Changing the vegetation around freshwater areas could change the organic molecules that end up in the water. The team is now expanding their study by taking samples from 150 lakes across Europe, to understand the broader ecological consequences of organic molecule diversity in natural freshwater systems.

This research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council.


Tanentzap, A. J. et al: ‘Chemical and microbial diversity covary in fresh water to influence ecosystem functioning.' PNAS (2019). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1904896116 

Every drop of fresh water contains thousands of different organic molecules that have previously gone unnoticed. By measuring the diversity of these molecules and how they interact with the environment around them, research has revealed an invisible world that affects the functioning of freshwater ecosystems and can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. 

What we’ve traditionally called ‘carbon’ in freshwater turns out to be a super-diverse mixture of different carbon-based organic molecules.
Andrew Tanentzap
Canadian lake

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A decade after the predators have gone, Galapagos Island finches are still being spooked

Small ground finch Geospiza fuliginosa

The study found that the finches’ fearful responses – known as antipredator behaviour - were sustained through multiple generations after the threat was gone, which could have detrimental consequences for their survival.

The work by Dr Kiyoko Gotanda, a zoologist at the University of Cambridge, is one of the first studies to look at behavioural adaptations in a species following the eradication of invasive predators. The research focused on one species of Darwin’s iconic finches - the small ground finch, Geospiza fuliginosa. Given their estimated life span, today’s finches are not likely to be the same birds that had originally developed the response to defend themselves from predators.

“These surprising results suggest that whatever influences this fearful behaviour is more complicated than just the presence or absence of invasive predators,” said Gotanda, sole author of the paper.

The Galapagos Islands provide a natural stage to compare different predator situations. Some islands have never had invasive predators, others currently have predators like domestic cats and rats that arrived with humans, while others have had these predators in the past and they have now been eradicated.

Gotanda found that finches on islands with predators were wary, and flew away from an approaching researcher - imitating an approaching predator - at a much greater distance than the finches on pristine islands without predators. This increased antipredator behaviour has been maintained on islands where invasive predators have been successfully eradicated, even though eradication happened eight and thirteen years earlier.

“While the mechanism for the transmission of the fearful behaviour through the generations requires further study, this sustained response has consequences for evaluating conservation efforts,” said Gotanda. “The time and energy finches spend spooking themselves by fleeing when they are not in danger could be better spent looking for food, mating, laying eggs, and rearing their young.” 

Conservation management of species of concern on islands often involves getting rid of invasive predators. Understanding how species adapt their behaviour once predators have been eradicated – and how quickly this occurs - could better inform efforts to support the recovery of a target species. Understanding the effects of human influence such as the introduction of invasive predators could help predict how species respond to rapidly changing environments.

Gotanda also looked at the effect of urbanisation on finch behaviour and found - as is generally seen in towns and cities - the birds were less fearful as they became used to the presence of humans. On some islands the urban finches were even bolder than those on islands that had never seen invasive predators at all. This could make them vulnerable to threats like these predators, which are present in urban areas on the Galapagos. This suggests that the effects of urbanisation on species are strong enough to counteract adaptations to other human influences such as invasive predators. 

When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands during his Voyage of the Beagle in 1835, he could famously get close enough to throw his hat over the birds. The animals were so unused to humans that they did not see Darwin – a potential predator - as a threat. Since then, the arrival of both humans and invasive predators such as cats and rats on many of the islands drove the birds to develop fear, and fly away at the sight of danger. Subsequent eradication efforts have been necessary to protect the iconic finches.

This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship).

Gotanda, K.M. “Human influences on antipredator behaviour in Darwin’s finches.” Journal of Animal Ecology (2019). DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13127

On some of the Galapagos Islands where human-introduced predators of Darwin’s finches were eradicated over a decade ago, the finches are still acting as though they are in danger, according to research published today in the Journal of Animal Ecology

The time and energy finches spend spooking themselves by fleeing when they are not in danger could be better spent looking for food, mating, laying eggs, and rearing their young.
Kiyoko Gotanda
Small ground finch Geospiza fuliginosa
Researcher Profile: Dr Kiyoko Gotanda

Dr Kiyoko Gotanda is passionate about asking questions and working out how to answer them. She describes the Galapagos Islands as a ‘magical place’, with iconic species that do not exist anywhere else on Earth - such as Darwin's finches and marine iguanas. Her recent research on the Islands involved getting up each day at 4:45am.

“The finches are most active at dawn, so we had to have the mist nets set up to catch them before the sun rose,” she says. “We closed the nets around 10 or 11am, when it gets too hot to handle the finches, and returned later in the afternoon to do more work such as running trials to observe how the finches behave.”

Gotanda’s research aims to understand and predict how wild animals will respond to human influences such as urbanisation, domestication, and the introduction of invasive species. 

“Humans are changing our environment so rapidly that wildlife must respond and adapt, or potentially run the risk of going extinct,” she says. “I hope my research will lead to us being able to mitigate the negative effects humans can have.” 

Before research, Gotanda had a career as a ballet dancer with the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago and Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. When she retired from dancing, she took an undergraduate degree in biology and volunteered in research labs. She went on to do her PhD and is now a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Behavioural Ecology group of the University’s Department of Zoology.

Being awarded her Fellowship at Cambridge was an exciting prospect. “It was a new country, new university, new supervisor, and new colleagues,” she says, and she has never looked back. “It's been an absolute joy being able to work at Cambridge - it has allowed me to interact and work with some amazing researchers, and provided fantastic opportunities I would not have elsewhere. The exchanges I've had here have really helped me to grow and develop as a scientist.”


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Wind more effective than cold air at cooling rooms naturally

Laboratory experiment of a cross-ventilated room

The researchers found that a temperature difference between inside and outside has a remarkably small effect on how well a room is ventilated when ventilation is primarily driven by wind. In contrast, wind can increase ventilation rates by as much as 40% above that which is driven by a temperature difference between a room and the outdoors. The exact rate of ventilation will depend on the geometry of the room.

The results, reported in the journal Building and Environment, could be used to help designers and urban planners incorporate natural ventilation principles into their designs so that buildings can be kept at a comfortable temperature while using less energy

Heating and cooling account for a significant proportion of energy use in buildings: in the US, this is as high as 50 per cent. In addition, as global temperatures continue to rise, demand for air conditioning – which emits greenhouse gases – rises as well, creating a damaging feedback loop.

Natural ventilation, which controls indoor temperature without using any mechanical systems, is an alternative to traditional heating and cooling methods, which reduces energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

“Natural ventilation is a low-energy way to keep buildings at a comfortable temperature, but in order to increase its use, we need simple, accurate models that can respond quickly to changing conditions,” said lead author Dr Megan Davies Wykes from Cambridge’s Department of Engineering.

There are two main types of natural cross-ventilation: wind-driven and buoyancy-driven. Cross-ventilation occurs in rooms that have windows on opposite sides of a room. Wind blowing on a building can result in a high pressure on the windward side and a low pressure at the leeward side, which drives flow across a room, bringing fresh air in from outside and ventilating a room. Ventilation can also be driven by temperature differences between the inside and outside of a room, as incoming air is heated by people or equipment, resulting in a buoyancy-driven flow at a window.

“We’ve all gotten used to having a well-controlled, narrow temperature range in our homes and offices,” said Davies Wykes. “Controlling natural ventilation methods is much more challenging than switching on the heat or the air conditioning, as you need to account for all the variables in a room, like the number of people, the number of computers or other heat-generating equipment, or the strength of the wind.”

In the current study, the researchers used a miniature model room placed inside a flume to recreate the movements of air inside a room when windows are opened in different temperature and wind conditions.

Using the results from lab-based experiments, Davies Wykes and her colleagues built mathematical models to predict how temperature difference between inside and outside affects how well a room is ventilated.

The researchers found that the rate of ventilation depends less on temperature and more on wind. Anyone who has tried to cool down on a hot night by opening the window will no doubt be familiar with how ineffective this is when there is no wind.

This is because in many rooms, windows are positioned halfway up the wall, and when they are opened, the warm air near the ceiling can’t easily escape. Without the ‘mixing’ effect provided by the wind, the warm air will stay at the ceiling, unless there is another way for it to escape at the top of the room.

“It was surprising that although temperature differences do not have a strong effect on the flow of air through a window, even small temperature differences can matter when trying to ventilate a room,” said Davies Wykes. “If there are no openings near the ceiling of a room, warm indoor air can become trapped near the ceiling and wind is not effective at removing the trapped air.”

The next steps will be to incorporate the results into building design, making it easier to create well ventilated, low energy buildings.

The study was part of the MAGIC (Managing Air for Green Inner Cities) project, which is developing computer models for natural ventilation, so that designers can incorporate natural ventilation into city design, reducing demand for energy. The MAGIC project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

M.S. Davies Wykes et al. ‘The effect of an indoor-outdoor temperature difference on transient cross-ventilation.’ Building and Environment (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106447

The effectiveness of non-mechanical, low-energy methods for moderating temperature and humidity has been evaluated in a series of experiments by researchers from the University of Cambridge.

Natural ventilation is a low-energy way to keep buildings at a comfortable temperature, but in order to increase its use, we need simple, accurate models that can respond quickly to changing conditions
Megan Davies Wykes
A laboratory experiment of a cross-ventilated room (side view)

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Students submit tips on preparing for University interviews


Current and former students offer tips on how to prepare for interviews and what to expect. Helpful hints range from chewing gum in the waiting room to relax, to wearing comfortable clothes and the advice covers the full range of Cambridge courses and Colleges.

The website has been used more than 20,000 times across 111 countries.

InsideUni (https://www.insideuni.org/about/) is the brainchild of Cambridge students Akil Hashmi and Tommy Gale. They set it up whilst Akil was in his second year of an engineering degree and Tommy was in his third year studying politics, after they were reminiscing about the “daunting” process of applying to the University. Both went to the same grammar school.

Tommy, who graduated last year and is now a social worker in London, was motivated by the challenges faced by students trying to apply without help from friends, family or their school.

“InsideUni was started to close the information gap between university applicants from different backgrounds. Some students get a lot of support when applying to university, others less so.

“The thing is, there's lots of great free support and advice out there. InsideUni hopes to crowdsource this knowledge and promote it in one place. That way everyone can get help.”

Interviews take place at any one of the 29 Colleges that admit undergraduates; applicants can apply to a particular College or be asked to be assigned to one randomly. Once there they’ll normally be given two interviews during the course of the day. Interviews are discussion based and are designed to be more of a conversation than an interrogation. What is being looked for is enthusiasm, and an ability to think independently about the chosen subject. The (normally two) interviewers might start with familiar material, but will then be interested in how candidates deal with increasingly unfamiliar ideas and problems.

But it can be hard to know how to prepare for the interview, especially if you haven’t had access to people who can give advice, and this can be nerve wracking. Akil and Tommy’s website is designed to give applicants reliable tips as well as insights into the experiences of others to help give everyone a good chance of doing themselves justice. What makes it special is that the advice provided comes directly from current students who have insights into the interview process.

Hundreds of students have volunteered to give help to those applying from state schools who may not have had much support in preparing for the interview. And the website has now expanded to incorporate advice to Oxford applicants too.

Akil says the not-for-profit enterprise would be nothing without the volunteers:

“The success of this project is really down to all the students who have shared their advice for no fee and shown they’re motivated more by mission than money. Applicants shouldn't have to pay for this information so it's brilliant to see how many young people our free website is now helping, particularly those who otherwise may have lacked free application support resources."


With the Cambridge and Oxford interview season around the corner, a website offering insider tips from well over a thousand Oxbridge students aims to support applicants who may have less understanding of the interview process.

Some students get a lot of support applying to University, others less so
Tommy Gale

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Women in STEM: Amy Rankine


I first developed an interest in astronomy at high school during a project run by the University of St Andrews. I grew up in a small town on the East coast of Scotland, not far from St Andrews and so my high school was involved in the University’s First Chances project. The project was for pupils from the local area who would be the first in their family to go to university. I chose to investigate the different methods used to detect planets outside our Solar System and by the end of the project, I had decided that I wanted to study astrophysics at St Andrews. After graduating from university in 2017, I moved down to Cambridge to start my PhD in Astronomy.

Choosing to study for my PhD at Cambridge was the best decision I could have made.  The Institute of Astronomy is an extremely friendly, welcoming and inspiring place to work, with an array of research taking place — on exoplanets, star formation and galaxy evolution to name just a few areas. This really helps me to explore different ideas when it comes to my work; because I can speak to so many passionate researchers who each have a fresh perspective and their own expertise. Through my supervisors, I have access to international collaborators which will hopefully help broaden my career prospects in the future. I’m still considering what career path I want to take, but through my PhD, I hope to develop the skills to successfully transition into a postdoctoral researcher position, or into industry.

In my research, I investigate the relationship between galaxies and the supermassive black holes that sit at their centres. Hot gas swirls around the black hole before it reaches the event horizon, and just as hot metal shines red or even white, and stars shine bright, this hot gas emits a lot of radiation. We call these objects active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and some of them are the brightest objects we see in the Universe — so bright that they can outshine the rest of the host galaxy. I want to explore how the brightest of these objects (quasars) affect their host galaxies and investigate their role in galaxy evolution throughout the history of the Universe.

I spend most of my time writing code to analyse observations of these bright AGNs. At the moment, I work mostly with quasar spectra which tell us how much of different wavelengths of light is emitted by the quasars. The spectra can tell us a lot about the quasar; for example, how massive the black hole is. I also read a lot of scientific papers and attend talks at the Institute of Astronomy to keep up to date with my field and to satisfy my interest in other areas. I’ve given talks at international conferences which are also important in astronomy for sharing our work and forming collaborations.

A key moment for me was completing a summer research project during my undergraduate degree. I was awarded funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to complete the Cormack Vacation Scholarship, which allowed me to undertake a six-week research project. This was my first experience of research, and the project really opened my eyes to the possibilities of a career in academia. My project won the Cormack Undergraduate Research Prize, and the whole experience helped me decide to do a research degree. Beforehand, I didn’t think that research was something that I wanted to do, but after thoroughly enjoying the project I decided that a PhD was my next step.

There shouldn’t be anything that prevents anyone from following their passion.  My advice to any woman thinking about pursuing a degree or career in a STEM discipline would be to go ahead and do it! I was lucky enough to have a lot of support at home and at school but I know this isn’t the case for everyone. Reach out to other women in your chosen field and don’t be afraid to ask about opportunities open to you.

Amy Rankine is a PhD candidate in the Institute of Astronomy and a member of Clare Hall. Here, she tells us about being the first in her family to go to university, why she decided to pursue an academic career, and how the brightest things in the universe affect the formation of galaxies. 

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‘Trickster god’ used fake news in Babylonian Noah story


Dr Martin Worthington’s new research analysing the word play in the story has uncovered the duplicitous language of a Babylonian god called Ea, who was motivated by self-interest.

Dr Worthington, a Fellow of St John’s College, University of Cambridge, said: “Ea tricks humanity by spreading fake news. He tells the Babylonian Noah, known as Uta–napishti, to promise his people that food will rain from the sky if they help him build the ark. What the people don’t realise is that Ea’s nine-line message is a trick: it is a sequence of sounds that can be understood in radically different ways, like English ‘ice cream’ and ‘I scream’. 

“While Ea’s message seems to promise a rain of food, its hidden meaning warns of the Flood.  Once the ark is built, Uta–napishti and his family clamber aboard and survive with a menagerie of animals. Everyone else drowns.  With this early episode, set in mythological time, the manipulation of information and language has begun. It may be the earliest ever example of fake news.”

The Gilgamesh Flood story is known from clay tablets that date back around three thousand years. 

Dr Worthington is an Assyriologist who specialises in Babylonian, Assyrian and Sumerian grammar, literature and medicine. In his new book launched today (November 26) titled Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood story, he explores the tricks of ‘wily Ea’, who is also known as the ‘crafty god’ and the ‘trickster god’. This research focuses on nine lines in the 3000-year-old story which can be interpreted in contradictory ways.

Dr Worthington explains:  “Ea’s lines are a verbal trick which can be understood in different ways which are phonetically identical. Besides the obvious positive reading promising food, I found multiple negative ones which warn of the impending catastrophe. Ea is clearly a master wordsmith who is able to compress multiple simultaneous meanings into one duplicitous utterance.”

The Flood Tablet in the British Museum, which bears part of the Gilgamesh Flood story, is probably the world’s most famous clay tablet, and caused a global sensation when its significance was first discovered by Assyriologist George Smith in 1872.

Smith realised this tablet told the same story as Noah and the Ark in the Biblical book of Genesis. Although there were more gods involved than in Genesis, and the Babylonian hero had a different name, the two stories were recognisably the same, with animals taken aboard the ark before the flood and birds sent out at the end once the rain stopped.

Since Smith’s discovery many more clay tablets of the Babylonian flood story have come to light and academics are still analysing the meaning of stories in the ancient language that has not been spoken for 2000 years.

But why would a god lie in the Gilgamesh Flood story?

Dr Worthington explained: “Babylonian gods only survive because people feed them. If humanity had been wiped out, the gods would have starved.  The god Ea manipulates language and misleads people into doing his will because it serves his self-interest. Modern parallels are legion!”

Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood story, published by Routledge, will be launched tonight (November 26) in London.

An early example of fake news has been found in the 3000-year-old Babylonian story of Noah and the Ark, which is widely believed to have inspired the Biblical tale. Nine lines etched on ancient clay tablets that tell the Gilgamesh Flood story can now be understood in very different ways – according to a Cambridge academic.

Ea’s message seems to promise a rain of food, its hidden meaning warns of the Flood... It may be the earliest ever example of fake news
Martin Worthington
The Adda Seal featuring the god Ea second from the right
At dawn there will be cakes

Two of the nine lines from the flood story in Babylonian are:

ina šēr(-)kukkī

ina lilâti ušaznanakkunūši šamūt kibāti

The positive sounding interpretation:

At dawn there will be kukku-cakes,

in the evening he will rain down upon you a shower of wheat.

A negative interpretation:

By means of incantations,

by means of wind-demons, he will rain down upon you rain as thick as (grains of) wheat.

Another negative interpretation:

At dawn, he will rain down upon you darkness,

(then) in (this) pre-nocturnal twilight he will rain down upon you rain as thick as (grains of) wheat.

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The text in this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Images, including our videos, are Copyright ©University of Cambridge and licensors/contributors as identified.  All rights reserved. We make our image and video content available in a number of ways – as here, on our main website under its Terms and conditions, and on a range of channels including social media that permit your use and sharing of our content under their respective Terms.


Opinion: Depression - men far more at risk than women in deprived areas


Depression is a major cause of disability around the world, and if left untreated, can lead to substance abuse, anxiety and suicide.

Major depressive disorder is a particular form of the condition which affects many people, potentially causing loss of pleasure in activities that once used to bring joy. It can also lead to feelings of worthlessness, imbalances such as oversleeping or insomnia, and trigger thoughts of suicide. This is the condition we examined during our new study, which showed that living in a deprived area can lead to major depressive disorder in men, but not in women.

Before explaining these findings, it is important to provide some further background on this condition. There are certain factors which can place you at increased risk for major depression. Being diagnosed with a serious chronic ailment, such as diabetes or cancer, now or in the past, can increase your risk for it. As can experiences of trauma, such as physical or sexual abuse, or being raised in a dysfunctional family in which there was a high degree of marital discord.

These, however, are all individual factors – or personal circumstances – which can negatively affect your mental health. And most of the research on depression has indeed focused on such personal factors. But there are characteristics beyond the level of the individual – such as attributes of the communities in which we live – that can also have a profound effect on our mental well-being.

Read more: People with depression use language differently – here's how to spot it

Previous studies have shown that living in communities characterised as deprived can lead residents of those areas to rate their health as suboptimal and experience early death. Through our study, we wanted to know if living in a deprived area can also influence the mental health of men and women – even after accounting for personal circumstances. That is, even after you take people’s socioeconomic status into account (in our study’s case, education and social class), does a person’s residential environment still affect their mental health?

The findings

To answer this question, we used data from one of Britain’s longest-running studies on health, chronic diseases, and the way people live their lives: EPIC-Norfolk. This study was based on over 20,000 people who filled out detailed questionnaires on their mental health and medical history.

Respondents’ postal codes were linked to the census to determine whether they lived in deprived communities. Five years after deprivation levels were measured, participants filled out a psychosocial questionnaire to determine whether they suffered from major depressive disorder. Using statistical techniques, the association between area deprivation and depression was examined while accounting for medical history, education, social class, and other important factors.

Our study showed that living in a deprived area does affect mental health – at least in men. In fact, we found that men living in the most deprived areas were 51% more likely to experience depression than those living in areas that were not deprived. Interestingly, the results did not reach statistical significance in women.

Loss of purpose.Shutterstock

Our study did not set out to determine why this might be the case – and further research is now needed to do this. Nevertheless, it is possible that many men in the UK and other parts of the world still feel a primary responsibility to provide for and support their families.

Read more: Men feel stressed if their female partners earn more than 40% of household income – new research

A recent study investigating depression risks for men and women indicated that men are more affected by “failures at key instrumental tasks, such as expected work achievements and failures to provide adequately for the family”.

Research shows that men seem to be more sensitive to certain stressors in their environment compared to women, such as those related to work and finances. Women’s depression levels, on the other hand, are more influenced by stressors stemming from relationships and the social networks they are embedded in. Factors such as low parental warmth and low marital satisfaction, for example, can really affect women’s mental health.

A great many factors may be behind this, but in the UK, men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women and so root causes as to why men are struggling should be investigated.

While women are at a lower risk of depression than men in deprived areas, other research shows that they are more likely to experience anxiety. Again, further work is needed on the effect of the residential environment on mental health from a gender perspective.

High numbers of people are living in deprivation around the world and depression is a leading cause of disability on a global scale. Knowing how men and women are affected by the hardship of living in deprivation can help focus mental health treatment, and this is a valuable step forward.The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Deprivation affects men and women differently, writes Olivia Remes, PhD candidate at the Cambridge Institute of Public Health, with men more likely to experience depression.

Man looking out of window

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Women in STEM: Fiona Llewellyn-Beard


I study mud. To tell the truth, this is something that has interested me since about the age of three, when I enjoyed making mud pies at nursery school. I’m a bit more particular now though, and work specifically on the sediments and soils at the bottom of the ponds found in salt marshes. 

These ponds are super interesting. They’re full of life, ranging from crabs and worms to rare bacteria, and all of this life interacts with and affects the mud. I’m studying how the biology and chemistry interact, in particular looking at iron, sulfur and carbon cycling. This is really important, as salt marshes can sequester and store huge amounts of carbon, which would otherwise be in our atmosphere contributing to global warming. In order to look after our salt marshes and keep the carbon locked up in them we need to understand their biogeochemistry more fully, and that’s where my research comes in. 

Outside of my research, I enjoy anything to do with the mountains - climbing, walking, running, skiing - and am also a Scout Leader in Cambridge. I grew up in south Cambridgeshire, where I went to my local primary and secondary schools. I always loved science, and was encouraged by my teachers to apply to Cambridge to read Natural Sciences, which is where I’ve been ever since!

The great thing about Cambridge is the community. There are so many great scientists here, and even if they’re not quite working in my field, they’re always keen to talk science and introduce you to their numerous contacts and collaborators.

My PhD involves a lot of travel, and I’m generally doing something different every day. This could be computational modelling, writing, lab work or fieldwork, depending on what I’m working on. My work is very interdisciplinary, so it’s good that I can visit other places to discuss my science with other experts!

The days I enjoy the most are when I go out to take sediment cores from the marsh ponds. I built corers out of a plastic tube, which is about 60cm long, and to take sediment samples I push it into the mud, before sliding my arm down the side to the bottom and pulling it up. It’s incredibly messy, and I usually get very wet!  In winter it can be really cold getting into a muddy pond on a salt marsh, but it’s an incredibly beautiful place to work, so it makes up for it.

Nothing in the environment can be considered in isolation. Everything impacts on everything else, the biology, the chemistry, the hydrology, the climate; everything interacts. Realising this was an important moment, and it made me see that to understand my mud I needed to go and learn more, and not be afraid to say ‘I don’t know’, and find someone who does. My advice to others is to talk to as many people as possible, make lots of contacts, and always smile, even if things don’t look promising.

My research takes me to a number of different places. In Cambridge, I do a lot of reading and writing in the Department of Earth Sciences, but I often travel to the salt marshes at Norfolk to take samples, which I bring back to analyse in the labs. I also do quite a lot of work in the geochemical labs at the University of Leeds, where they have specialist equipment to look at the iron mineralogy of the sediments. I'm also working with the British Geological Society to look at carbon in the sediments, and have in the past worked at the University of York doing microbiology.


A bold response to the world’s greatest challenge
The University of Cambridge is building on its existing research and launching an ambitious new environment and climate change initiative. Cambridge Zero is not just about developing greener technologies. It will harness the full power of the University’s research and policy expertise, developing solutions that work for our lives, our society and our biosphere.

Read more about our research linked with Sustainable Earth in the University's research magazine; download a pdf; view on Issuu.

Fiona Llewellyn-Beard is a PhD candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences, where she studies salt marshes and how they store huge amounts of carbon. Here, she tells us about how a childhood love of mud pies led to her current research, her love of the outdoors, and how everything in the environment is interconnected. 

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Placenta changes could mean male offspring of older mums more likely to develop heart problems in later life, rat study finds


Both male and female fetuses do not grow as large in older mothers, but there are sex-specific differences in changes to placental development and function. These are likely to play a central role in the increased likelihood of later-life heart problems and high blood pressure in males.

In humans, women over 35 are considered to be of advanced maternal age. The study, published in Scientific Reports, looked at pregnant rats of a comparable age.  In aged mothers, the placenta of female fetuses showed beneficial changes in structure and function that would maximise the support of fetal growth. In some instances, the placenta even supported the female fetus better than the placenta of a younger mother.  In the case of male fetuses however, the placenta showed changes that would limit fetal growth in the aged pregnant rats.

“This new understanding of placental development and function could contribute to better management of human pregnancies, and development of targeted interventions to improve the longer-term health of children born to older mothers,” said Dr Tina Napso, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge and first author of the study.

Pregnancy in older mothers is associated with a heightened risk of complications for both the mother and her baby. These include preeclampsia - raised blood pressure in the mother during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, stillbirth and fetal growth restriction. Until now there has been limited understanding of how the placenta is altered by advanced maternal age. 

“With the average age of first pregnancy in women becoming higher and higher, and especially so in developed countries, it is very important to understand how the age of the mother and the sex of the baby interact to determine pregnancy and later-life health of the child,” said Dr Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri, lead author of the study and a Royal Society Fellow in the Centre for Trophoblast Research at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience. 

The placenta transports nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus, secretes signalling factors into the mother so she supports fetal development, and is the main protective barrier for the fetus against toxins, bacteria, and hormones - such as stress hormones - in the mother’s blood. It is highly dynamic in nature, and its function can change to help protect the growing fetus when conditions become less favourable for its development, for example through a lack of nutrients or oxygen or when the mother is stressed.

The researchers analysed the placentas of young (3-4 months old) and aged rats (9.5-10 months old) that were pregnant with male and female offspring. The aged rats correspond to approximately 35 year-old humans. Rats are a useful model as their biology and physiology have a number of important characteristics in common with those of humans. 

The study found that advanced maternal age reduced the efficiency of the placenta of both male and female fetuses. It affected the structure and function of the placenta more markedly for male fetuses, reducing its ability to support growth of the fetus. 

“A pregnancy at an older age is a costly proposition for the mother, whose body has to decide how nutrients are shared with the fetus. That’s why, overall, fetuses do not grow sufficiently during pregnancy when the mother is older compared to when she is young,” said Dr Napso. “We now know that growth, as well as gene expression in the placenta is affected in older mothers in a manner that partially depends on sex: changes in the placentas of male fetuses are generally detrimental.”

The research involved a collaboration between scientists at the University of Cambridge, the University of Alberta in Canada, the Robinson Research Institute and the University of Adelaide, Australia. 

An earlier study performed by the collaborators showed that offspring from mothers who enter pregnancy at an older age have poor heart function and high blood pressure as young adults, and particularly so if they are male. This new research was conducted to understand why, and whether this sex difference may be due to how the male and female fetuses are supported within the womb in an aged mother.

Although further studies in humans are required, the results suggest the importance of considering the sex of the fetus when giving advice to older pregnant women.  The researchers also hope to build on these results and find ways of improving the function of the placenta to optimise growth of the fetus.

Napso, T. et al: “Advanced maternal age compromises fetal growth and induces sex-specific changes in placental phenotype in rates.” Scientific Reports (2019). DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-53199-x

Changes occur in the placenta in older pregnant mothers leading to a greater likelihood of poor health in their male offspring, a study in rats has shown. 

With the average age of first pregnancy in women becoming higher and higher, especially in developed countries, it is very important to understand how the age of the mother and the sex of the baby interact to determine pregnancy and later-life health of the child.
Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri

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